Today and article in the times talked about this guy who does surveys
to assess how much Americans know about science which would allow them
to make informed decisions about current political issues like stem
cell research, global warming, etc. I recommend the whole article which
can be seen
here, or at least reading this little excerpt:
"Dr. Miller's data reveal some yawning gaps in basic knowledge.
American adults in general do not understand what molecules are (other
than that they are really small). Fewer than a third can identify DNA
as a key to heredity. Only about 10 percent know what radiation is. One
adult American in five thinks the Sun revolves around the Earth, an
idea science had abandoned by the 17th century."
In other news... I feel busy all of a sudden. Fun
times. And really, I'm not sure if I'm excited that I'm
going to know someone going into my program. I was sort of ready
to go out and just make all new friends and what have you. But
I'm sure it will all work out.