
Jul 08, 2013 12:31

I've avoided Domino's Pizza since I was in college due to their anti-women's choice/health stance and monetary support.

I've never eaten at a Chik-fil-A and won't ever now because of what has been publicized about their exclusionary politics.

I have never liked Ambercrombie and Fitch (however that is really spelled - I can't be bothered to look it up) even before their CEO was nasty to just about everybody in public.

And I have no trouble choosing to boycott Ender's Game no matter who is in it and ho matter how good a movie they make it.  When I was a teenager I loved OSC books.  I have a ton of them - and I read them all numerous times.  But the man's narrow view of "acceptable" cultural behavior has soured me on anything to do with his work. That he actively and publicly spews his hatred of huge segments of the people of the world is reprehensible and unconscionable. So no, I will not be going to see Ender's Game.  I will not buy any tie-ins.  I will actively avoid anything to do with the marketing of the movie or any other books he will ever write.

Ender's Game was a favorite book for YEARS - but I can't say I will ever read it again - and it leaves a bitter taste that I spent years when I was a bookstore manager suggesting it to HS students because it was on their summer reading list and I had loved it.

So there is a boycott movement out there to not see the movie when it opens (currently scheduled for November 1).  I think it should go a step farther - to actively go out to the movies that weekend and specifically choose any other movie to see but Ender's Game.

For more information on the boycott:

Also, I am kinda glad I stopped reading comic books in 2002 (I spent too much money on them and decided taking an actual vacation occasionally was a worthier cause than reading comic books) - because OSC is now writing for Superman.  I'd stop giving my money to DC for that as well.

vacation, real life, thinky, movie

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