Land of North

Dec 29, 2007 09:23

Ahhhhh. It really is truly relaxing up here. I have about 2 hours of work I need to do tomorrow (because I did not get it done on Friday) but that's it. The rest is my own time. No family - who I love, but who wear me out, no party to plan for - which was a blast, but I don't want to bake again for bit (nine days! I baked non-stop for NINE DAYS!) and no time sscheduled within an inch of waking and sleeping.

Today so far, I have had coffee in the tiny cafe a block from my old house, shopped online, and made project lists. And guess what? My project list is actually shrinking! It probably helps that I have taken any new commissions for a few months and don't have much in the hoper for myself, either. But I have little enough that I was able to take out the boxes (only 2) of unfinished stuff and start planning on finishing. Without the box, this is my list:
1. Finish my 12th Night dress - sleeves is all
2. Finish that dratted codpiece - can find what I did with the silk for the puffs, so I have to make new ones out of the linen. Oh, well.
3. Fix the fur on a friend's Norse hat - old, fragile mink needs repair
4. Embroider peerage stuff on another friends hat - add Laurel and Chiv medallions. The Pel was hardest, but that's done.
5. Finish gold linen cotte for Estrella - it needs the neckline finished, the eyelets, and to be hemmed.
6. Finish aubergine linen for Estrella - as above, plus sleeves.
7. Make a new dress in J!'s colors for March Crown.

I hope to get 1-3 done by 12th Night, and if possible, #4 as well. I brought up my 12th Night dress and can get the futzing on the sleeves done, but the material for tippets is at home. I really DO have a set of black velvet ones waiting somewhere to be attached, but either they are in the trailer somewhere, or they cannot be located in the garage because of the amount of Christmas stuff that is currently piled in there. It's probably faster to make a new set than to try and find them, so that's what I'll do when I get home. I hate that.

And I can make the codpiece while I'm up here, although I'll need to the points to attach it to the hosen when I get home. If I think all this out, I basically have Tuesday night for the codpiece points and the hat repair, and Wednesday for the 12th Night tippets. I will worry about proper undersleeves if I have time on Thursday (carbonphoenix is coming over, though, and I suspect I will spend most of the evening helping her with her stuff.) IOW, even in my hyper-productive world, #4 ain't gonna get done before 12th Night. Oh, well - I'll take it with me and work on it while I socialize.

Nothing else to report - except I got a really good haul of books for the holidays, which I should list at some point. Suffice for now that Starkey's Henry VIII inventory transcript is the queen of them all, and Woven Into the Earth is finally MINE. (I would have gotten my own copy, Virginia, but my family and J! made a fuss about me buying all the books I really wanted before they could just when it came out.)

sewing, projects, books

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