I have too many ideas and fabrics in my head to keep them all straight.
- the Maleficent dress: Black high necked Saxon with green guards and rose(?) brustfleck. The sleeves are based on
- the tomato trossfau: tomato red with olive guards. Square front neck, three graduated skirt guards. Sleeve design TBD. Hoping to have this one done for Estrella.
- the clay dress without a clever name: Clay wool with black. Round neck, slashed sleeves, minimal skirt guarding (if any.) Also hoping to have this finished for Estrella. Based on
- the rose velveteen duchess dress, my 12th Night project. Deep rose velveteen with greenish-gold guards and what Uta likes to call "Tim Burton sleeves." Pretty much a carbon-copy of
- the grey/black damask early Saxon. I have the fabric to overdye, but not the guarding fabric (or ribbons) yet. (This is for 12th Night 2012, assuming I am still on this German kick and haven't gone back to the 14th century... or started exploring the 15th.)
- the rose wool and brass silk damask dress, also without a clever name. I only have the fabric for this one, style TBD.
- the pale gold brushed wool and navy velvet dress. As above.
- something out of the goose-turd green wool melton I have been sitting on for a very long time, probably a doublet-style.
- A husecke, fabric TBD
- A waist-length mantelein. Heavy salmon-colored wool with black velvet ribbon.
- new wool unterrocks for Estrella: gold satin-finish wool gab with black velvet ribbon guards, avocado wool with wine guards, dark brown wool with gold guards, and rose wool with guards TBD. (Why so many? Because that way I can have a clean unterrock for each day at Estrella, in case it pours again.)
- various hembds and hats, but I haven't catalogued exactly what I want to do with those yet.
Gee, is that all? ;p