There are two freedoms: the false where a man is free to do what he likes; and the true where a man is free to do what he ought.
- Charles Kingsley
The true way to be humble is not to stoop until you are smaller than yourself, but to stand at your real height against some higher nature that will show you what the real smallness of your greatness is.
- Phillips Brooks
There is only misfortune in not being loved; there is misery in not loving.
- Albert Camus
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.
- Ambrose Redmoon
If you cannot win, make the one ahead of you break the record.
- Jan McKeithen
Sainthood emerges when you can listen to someone's tale of woe and not respond with a description of your own.
- Andrew V. Mason, M.D.
The question is not whether a doctrine is beautiful but whether it is true. When we wish to go to a place, we do not ask whether the road leads through a pretty country, but whether it is the right road.
- Augustus William and Julius Charles Hare
I believe in the sun even when it is not shining. I believe in love even when I am not feeling it. I believe in God even when He is silent.
- Anonymous Jewish holocaust victim
Time is swift, it races by; Opportunities are born and die... Still you wait and will not try
- A bird with wings who dares not rise and fly.
- Pooh (A.A. Milne)
When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.
- Pooh (A.A. Milne)
Bores can be divided into two classes; those who have their own particular subject, and those who do not need a subject.
- A.A. Milne
“It's snowing still," said Eeyore gloomily. "So it is." "And freezing." "Is it?" "Yes," said Eeyore. "However," he said, brightening up a little, "we haven't had an earthquake lately.
"Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."
(Christopher Robin to Pooh)
There is no better or more blessed bondage than to be a prisoner of hope.
- Roy Z. Kemp
Our character is but the stamp on our souls of the free choices of good and evil we have made through life.
- John Cunningham Geikie
When death comes to me it will find me busy, unless I am asleep. If I thought I was going to die tomorrow, I should nevertheless plant a tree today.
- Stephen Girard
He became what we are that He might make us what He is.
- Athanasius (speaking of Jesus of Nazareth)
The next moment is as much beyond our grasp, and as much in God's care, as that a hundred years away. Care for the next minute is just as foolish as care for a day in the next thousand years. In neither can we do anything, in both God is doing everything.
- C.S. Lewis
Mere change is not growth. Growth is the synthesis of change and continuity, and where there is no continuity there is no growth.
- C.S. Lewis
It is never a question with any of us of faith or no faith; the question is always in what or whom do we put our faith.
- Anonymous
The faith that will shut the mouths of lions must be more than a pious hope that they will not bite.
- Missionary Tidings
Our lives are a manifestation of what we think about God.
- Anonymous
Love and hatred are natural exaggerators.
- Hebrew Proverb
I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know, the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.
- Albert Schweitzer
Love does not die easily. It is a living thing. It thrives in the face of all life's hazards, save one- neglect.
- James D. Bryden
There is no permanent place in [this universe] for evil... Evil may hide behind this fallacy and that, but it will be hunted from fallacy to fallacy until there is no more fallacy for it to hide behind.
- Thomas Carlyle
Whenever you find you are on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.
- Mark Twain
Never does the human soul appear so strong and noble as when it forgoes revenge and dares to forgive an injury.
- Edwin Hubbell Chapin
To the victor belong the responsibilities.
- Al Bernstein
Science has promised us truth. It has never promised us either peace or happiness.
- Gustave Le Bon
In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Churches will take longer to achieve integration because they are undertaking a much greater accomplishment. Worshiping together is a more personal thing than riding trains or attending movies together. Tolerance is not enough; it must be real brotherhood or nothing.
- Frank T. Wilson
Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.
- General George S. Patton, Jr.
If a small thing has the power to make you angry, does that not indicate something about your size?
- Sydney J. Harris
People seem to get nostalgic about a lot of things they weren't so crazy about the first time around.
- Webster's Crosswords
Never let a man imagine that he can pursue a good end by evil means, without sinning against his own soul. The evil effect on himself is certain.
- Robert Southey
A ship in harbor is safe - but that is not what ships are for.
- John A. Shedd
What I admire in Columbus is not his having discovered a world but his having gone to search for it on the faith of an opinion.
- A. Robert Turgot