And in a new low, I have now managed to *literally sleep through* the deadline.
If you're
calliopes_pen or
arch_schatten looking for your fic that I claimed and haven't written, give me another hour or two (if I'm already late, I might as well get in some last-minute edits, right?) and please accept my apologies for being such an idiot. In my (admittedly poor) defense, I have been sick for the past week. But the fics are coming!
If you're
kayim, who wrote me what I expect is an amazing and wonderful fic--I will read it with pleasure and be certain to review (just as soon as I finish mine). Sorry!
If you're
vigilante_wake, who is going to post an amazing and wonderful fic for me--absolutely, take all the time you need. I think you can see I'm in no position to complain ;). Also, I hijack comments all the time--feel free!
If you're anyone who has been expecting my feedback over the last, oh, two months or so shall we say? Again, very sorry. For the past week I've terribly busy hacking up a lung, and before that I got caught up in real life drama. Um, give me a couple days (or weeks) to catch up on everything.
If you're anyone else I owe an apology to, and have forgotten, then crap--let me know and I'll apologize to you too ;)