Memories of Warcraft

Nov 02, 2012 19:14

I ponder, what are the memories I remember the most about WoW. And I think it's happy enough, so in no particular order.

Though, I will start with the first:
I remember being thoroughly disappointed by seeing Northshire Abbey and thinking this was another game with a lame city. Then I walked in to Stormwind for the first time and could not shut up. I was raving about how grand and splendid the city was. I loved the epic feel of the valley of heroes with the statues. It felt regal. It felt like a living world. With all the fluff and all the people.

I remember the first time killing Ragnaros in Molten Core. This was when Ragnaros was challenging and it took us a month to kill him or so. He was the first endboss raid in WoW and it was amazing. But besides that, the sheer size of his model was something to be seen. But also the amount of work and effort that went in to it. Both team work and personal effort. Bonus points for being a 40-man raid. It felt like we brought an army to take down a colossus -- and that's exactly what we did! It was an epic victory.

I remember killing Illidan in Black Temple as well. It was right before Christmas and it was the first time I had ever "beaten the game". It felt good. And we diced Illidan pretty quickly only took us two days to do it. I thought Black Temple was a really polished instance. I liked the idea of us sneaking in and the setting in general. It was diverse and had good music to it. I also loved looking at the sky.

Later on there was the Sunwell. It was absolutely beautiful and contrast to most other dungeons. Other dungeons/raids were kind of bleak or mono-color, but not this one. It was bright and mixed with all sort of colors. Killing M'uru felt amazing because he was the hardest boss to date. One of the hardest ever made. It took months, but we did it. One of the few, maybe under ~200 guilds worldwide that did it pre-nerf.

The only other moments which really match up to those four are kind of not on the same level for me. I remember being chosen to receive Val'anyr, the first healer legendary. I always wanted a legendary and being chosen was an amazing feeling. And the other memory I suppose is the death of the Heroic Lich King. But it was bitter sweet. 4 months of work and it felt good to kill him. But it wasn't like the others and worst it meant the end of an expansion and the end of my guild.
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