A [short] reversal of my decision

Feb 16, 2008 13:31

Have to interrupt my silence, this is too irritating to pass.

A loud noise had disturbed my peaceful Saturday breakfast at 10am. There were shouts and drumbeat on the street, half-a-block away. From my window I could only see a parked patrol car, so I grabbed my camera and went outside to find out.

I have written about this subject before, here. ( Read more... )

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eta_ta March 16 2008, 00:03:52 UTC
Don't know about the houses on 74th; I don't think I know of any school on that intersection.
If there was a "poison" signs on them, it might mean a few things: the city had inspected the property and found some dangerous chemical substance present, of various nature and purpose - and posted warning for residents while ordered the owner to mend the situation; or an owner employed exterminating services against rodents and the contractors warned the passerbies of danger upon entering the premises. Or any other reason - but restoration of the buildings can't possibly be one.

True, the new condo might be a mediocre building - but it might be a great one, too; there is no information for speculation at this point - no publicly displayed renderings on the site of the property, as it's customary. Also, you might have missed an important part: the church authorities (the owner of the lot and the building) plan to build a new church building on part of their parcel after the demolition of existing one, in addition to the condo. The parishioners will not suffer - and as in every business, it exists for shareholders. If they are happy, what business it is of outsiders to complain and interfere?

The gang was there again today. Now they are equipped with megaphones. My god, they are loud.


_s_a_v_v_a_ March 16 2008, 19:55:08 UTC
i looked up some more info on the three buildings on 74th street:
Bay Ridge is so conservative. People there don't like changes. They like their churches, humangous houses with nickel railings and botanica exhibitions outside. I expect there will be more marching and yelling. Be strong!


eta_ta March 16 2008, 20:40:08 UTC
Thanks for the links. I'm not against preservation, but within common sense. Not all old buildings are worth preserving; the old Victorians pictured @ the link are definitely nothing special; besides, the claim that 3-family condos will not sell is ridiculous: there is always seller's market in Bay Ridge exactly because inventory is low and demand - high.
Also, there was this quote by Preservation Society Chair, claiming the "historical low-rise quality of Bay Ridge": not really. Look at the Shore Road and all the adjacent avenues and crossing streets, there are so many hirise coops and apartment buildings there (relatively hi-rise, about 10-15 floors high) built in 1920's to 1950's. I'm sure at the time of construction they replaced more Victorian horror - and residents are better off now.

Thank you for your interest and good wishes.


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