HP, A to Z

Sep 06, 2008 22:29

This is my master list and resource post for my Harry Potter fanfiction.
Public Posting at fanfiction.net
What is posted here is all under filter, so if you would like to read and comment through livejournal, sign up for my fanfiction filter. (You don't need to friend me in any other way, just tell me that's what you're here for.)

[My hp fanfiction, alphabetical by title]
Due to the length of this list, minimal descriptions are given. Other ways to navigate are listed in the resource section. See my Other Fandom Master Post for all crossovers or for non-Harry Potter fics.

Harry Potter Fanfiction, A-Z
  • Absolution (G, Draco, Scorpius)
  • Accidental Alchemy (G, Snape)
  • Another Satisfied Customer (PG, Draco, Mr. Borgin)
  • Bad Beginnings (G, Snape)
  • Blood Secrets (G, Marauders)
  • By Starlight (PG, Snape/Regulus)*
  • Confessions (G, Snape/Lily)*
  • The Cruelest Truth (R, Draco/Pansy)
  • The Darkness Drops Again (PG-13, Karkaroff)*
  • A Day Like No Other (G, Trio)*
  • A Death Deferred (G, Voldemort)*
  • The empty space which should've held sweets (G, Snape)
  • Experiments in Symmetry (R-ish, Rowena/Helga)*
  • Foes and Former Friends (PG, Snape/Regulus)
  • From what I've tasted of desire (NC-17, Snape/Lucius)
  • Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (PG, Harry/Draco)
  • Gestures Without Meaning (R, Crabbe, Draco)*
  • Harvest Moon (G, James/Lily)
  • Holiday Detention (PG, Snape/Harry)
  • HP, Distilled (G, poetry)
  • Hufflepuff's Decision (G, Founders)
  • Hunt (R, Draco/Pansy)
  • The Hunter & The Hunted (PG13, Bloody Baron/Helena Ravenclaw)
  • If You Give a Claw a Book Rec (G, Ravenclaws)
  • In Memory (PG, Kreacher, Regulus)*
  • In or Out (PG, Remus/Sirius)*
  • In Silence We Part (PG, Snape/Regulus)
  • The Janus Thickey Ward (G, Molly, Gilderoy)*
  • Kitchen Confidential (G, Ernie)
  • The Last Basket (G, Albus)
  • A Lesson in Responsibility (R, Draco, Lucius/?)
  • Lessons (PG, Snape/Harry)
  • Lessons Learned in Darkness (R, Draco/Pansy)
  • The Longing of Luna Lovegood (G, Luna)*
  • Love in an Unlikely Heart (G, Millicent/Zacharias)*
  • A Luna on the Ceiling (G, Harry/Luna)*
  • Matched in Magenta (G, Molly, Teddy Jr., Victoire)*
  • Millicent's Choice (G, Millicent, Neville)
  • Ministry of Magic (G)
  • Moonlight Discoveries (PG-13, Harry, Remus/Sirius)
  • Mother Dearest (G, Draco, Narcissa)*
  • A Mother's Love (PG, Mrs. Crouch)
  • Moping (G, Remus/Sirius)
  • Ode to a Cupcake Most Fair (G, Hufflepuffs)
  • On the importance of family (G, Neville)
  • Passion in Potential (PG, Snape/Lily)
  • Penance (G, Snape)
  • The Perfect Pet (G, Hagrid)*
  • The Real Stubby Boardman (G, Stubby Boardman)
  • Regret (the Nightmare Remix) (G, Draco, Scorpius)
  • The Resonance of Memory (G, Hermione)*
  • Rita's Lucky Day (G, Rita)
  • A Romance Most Ravenclaw (G, Penelope/Percy)
  • Saving the best for last (G, Humphrey Goyle, Lucius)
  • The Secret Carrier ( on lj (R, Severus/Regulus)*
  • Seasons (G, Albus)
  • Self-Deception (G, Snape/Regulus)
  • The Shattering of Expectations (PG-13, Sirius, Remus)*
  • The smallest decisions (G, Draco/Pansy)
  • Smarter Than That (G, Cho Chang)
  • Snowfall (R, Snape/Lucius)
  • Sorrow (PG, Remus)
  • Springtime (G, Sirius)*
  • The Spy's Sacrifice (PG, Snape/Lupin)
  • The Stuff of Legends (R, Draco/Pansy, Daphne, Millicent)*
  • The sweetness of a gift unsought (G, Narcissa, Draco/Pansy)
  • Taking Sides (G, Sirius, Regulus)
  • A Talent for Divination (G, Draco)
  • Tea with Snape (PG, Sirius, Snape/Lupin)
  • Team Building Exercise (PG-13, Snape/everyone)*
  • Telling the Truth (PG-13, Charlie, Nymphadora)
  • Temptation on the whispering breeze (G, Sirius)
  • Test Time (G, Remus)
  • A Threefold Chord So Easily Broken (R, Trio)
  • Together they fell to ruin (PG, Lucius/Narcissa)*
  • To have and to hold (PG-13, Snape/Lucius, Lucius/Narcissa)
  • Unforgiven (G, Draco)*
  • Valentine's Day at the Hog's Head (G, Aberforth)
  • A Waking Dream (G, Snape/Lily)
  • Wild Thang (PG13, Aberforth)
  • What Snape found there (PG-13, Snape)
  • The Weight of Knowledge (G, Hermione/Ron)
  • When Only Dreams Remain (PG, Remus/Sirius)
  • A Woman Scorned (G, Draco/Pansy, Daphne)*
  • Work Still To Be Done, (G, Founders)
  • 1942 (G, Tom Riddle)

    * Has been cross-posted to fanfiction.net.

    [More Resources for my HP fanfiction]
    A Sampler of 10 HP fics (under filter) - chosen for variety of characters, style and genres, as well as to include some of my favorites.
    The Secret Carrier (public) - my novel length HP fic, following Severus from graduation to when he joins the Order. As my longest and favorite HP story, it gets its own master post.
    HP Crossovers are described in more detail at my Other Fandom & Crossover Master Post (public)
    An Older HP Fanfiction listing (under filter) - Incomplete, but lists far more information than this A-Z list. Useful for browsing but it grew too long to maintain.

  • about my writing

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