Announcing the 2015 Love Fest

Feb 09, 2015 09:38

Hey everyone! Over on my Wordpress book blog, I'm hosting a week long Love Fest. No matter what genre you read, what kinds of love you prefer, or which blogging platform you prefer, I'd love to hear your thoughts.

(I'm also a newbie over there, and participation or any help spreading the word would be greatly appreciated.)

Day One:

Who is your favorite literary couple?

Answer with a whole list or just gush about one or two. It's your choice!

Read my Top 5 Literary Couples HERE

To participate on Livejournal or Dreamwidth, just post your answer on your home blog, make the entry public, and drop a link in the comments on today's question. It's not livejournal, but you can still participate - no Wordpress account required, no email required. (Though if you do have a Wordpress account, it's even easier to participate.)

Even if you don't feel like linking to the main site, I'd still love to hear your answers! <3

You can also help spread the love by reposting a promotional banner, pinning an image to pinterest, or commenting on someone else's entry. Find out all the details HERE

books, book blog

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