Friends-Only & Filter Information

Jun 05, 2012 16:25

This journal is FRIENDS-ONLY.

To be added, tell me who you are and why you're here.

I no longer use filters, but here's a general idea of the stuff I post:


  • BOOKS: Longer reviews, recommendations, series roundups, rereads, and other book-related things. Not a duplicate of goodreads reviews. After 12 years managing a bookstore, I'm now a librarian, so I figured it's about time to start a book blog. Although my primary will be elsewhere, I don't intend to leave the friends I've made here, so I will be posting the content here as well. One of my 2014 tasks will be to start regular book blogging for fun and professional reasons, so there will be a lot more of this in future.
  • MEMES: Memes and quick quizzes. Fun, fast and usually not very deep.
  • FANDOM/META: Squeeing about shows or characters, convention reports, episode/series rewatches and meta posts.
  • HARRY POTTER: Since most of you are from the HP fandom and it doesn't fall neatly into the book/fandom divide, Harry Potter gets its own filter. All things HP, whether fandom meta, memes or RL.
  • WRITING: Anything about the progress of current writing projects, writing process/technique, writing challenges like Nanowrimo, or my writing goals. This is about the process of writing, not the result.
  • FANFICTION: All fandoms, so you can choose what to read. I'm multi-fandom, multi-genre in all things, with not much loyalty to any particular fandom.
  • ORIGINAL FICTION: Increasingly, there will be mostly original fiction here, as that's where I'm turning my focus. What's posted will be poems, flash fiction, and some short stories, not excerpts from longer WIPs. Probably mostly in response to prompts at writerverse, or my RL writing group.
  • RL: Real life, including work, family, friends, cats and personal stuff.
  • 101 in 1001: I participate in the Day Zero Project, where you set 101 goals to accomplish in the next 1001 Days. Progress reports, inspiration, and photos. To find my account, see my info post once you've been added. ETA: With the recent job change, my goals have changed a LOT, so I'm probably going to restart this in January 2014.

    Any other accounts you'd like to follow? Tell me your username to be added back. :D


    OTHER ACCOUNTS: Let me know your username to be added back.
    BOOKS: Add me on GOODREADS!
    TWITTER: Two accounts: for writing/books and for RL/fandom. Neither is particularly active right now, but you can ask for more info.
    FANFICTION: I post as et_tu_lj on

    I haven't committed fully to either or here as my primary fanfiction location. So you can still find stuff in both places. I'll let you know if I ever make up my mind...

    - If you haven't posted in 2011/12, I'm assuming you left livejournal and have cut you. That has no bearing on twitter or goodreads, since a lot of you migrated there instead. If you're still lurking, let me know and I'll add you back.
    - If you're active, I'm keeping you.
    - I'll be repeating that process every year. So if you don't post on your own journal but you're still here, just drop a comment every so often so I know that.

    This journal has been in use for years, and a lot of you have changed interests since we met. I've gone through a long period of inactivity, and so have most of you.

    I'm changing what I post about, trying to engage more deeply with those who remain, and starting new connections on other topics.

    Comments are screened, but this post will remain public indefinitely.

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