Jul 20, 2005 10:54
I bought the new Harry Potter book yesterday with Shivani, while we were crusin around sherway because I was waiting for my shitbox on wheels to have the brakes fixed which took ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL day. I brought the car in at around 10:15ish and was there until about 1:30ish when shiv came and picked me up to hang out for a while. Got back to the mechanics around 4:30 and didn't leave until about 7pm. Was not fun waiting let me tell you... especially when you know your stranded there....well minus the few hours shiv and i hung out.. but that was like 2 hours 2 1/2 at most. The rest was spent waiting.
Well the brakes are all good now FINALLY... and there was such a dramatic difference when driving yesterday once they were fixed...WoW!
Cause i found out that the rear breaks were completely shot to hell and the car was only relying on the front breaks which was extremely dangerous.. so i was like thank god i brought it in when i did.
My mom was supposed to get them fixed in the fall but guess not cause they are already done but she does need to take it in again to have other shit chekced out. We need new tires definitely cause the ones we have now suck purple monkey balls and they are really old and ugly.. haha.
Its funny cause the amount of money needed to fix that car within the past 2 years, we could have easily just bought a new car.
On another note, I saw Sweta at Dominion the other day. It was weird cause Michelle, her friend form work, and i were by Timmy's and i look over at the lottery centre, and saw someone standing there and immmeditately thought that looks like sweta. I wasn't sure at first if it was her cause she was facing the person behind the counter, so i walked over and evidently it was. Hahahaha... it was funny, but it was ao awesome to see her. I haven't seen her in like a year.
But yeah anyway, I'm exciteds to read the new Harry Potter!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEE