» d a t a log → gödel

Jan 10, 2008 15:42

System load: unregistered references set » empirical et theoretical set » ALL logs
Target type : unknown

System procedure: all data must be logged.

System recommendation: target investigation procedure.
Input: target is not human.
Inference → Vatican edicts (human) do not apply 0 & (human)

Input: target denomination ("aliens" v "Steward")
Input: visual aid ( 73.66% clarity & 48 angles registered / {3 . anon arg.}
Input: 'aliens'.ammunition
Input: 'aliens'.gen.strategy
Input: efficiency report pending.
Input: efficiency report = City damage report.

System recommendation: compile City damage report

All City units » damage report.

Input required: number of dead or wounded.
Input required: all battle notes.

[ooc: ...I really need to stop having such bad timing for poor Tres. ._.]

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