Stop the world.

May 03, 2009 19:12

I'm not going to lie: I love me some Newsies. I don't remember if I saw it in a theater, but it's been a favorite at least since my dad brought home the VHS when we were kids. I've since met lots of people for whom it's a childhood favorite or at least a guilty pleasure. It came out on DVD in 2002 (not an unreasonable time frame for a film that came out prior to DVD and wasn't a huge blockbuster hit), and rather than being a cheaply thrown together movie-only release, it actually had a lot of features.

So it came as a bit of a surprise when I learned today that it was considered a flop, despised by critics and audiences, and one of the biggest box office losses of any Disney live-action film. Leonard Maltin called it "Howard the Newsboy," and apparently Christian Bale has said he's not a fan. Apparently I am part of what is considered a "cult following" that developed after the movie was released on video and shown on TV. I mean, I knew the movie wasn't exactly a box-office smash...but "cult"?

Well, if this is a cult following, at least I'm in good company. It's not as if Joss Whedon would like a bad movie, would he?

For your daily does of surrealism, click on the tag "Newsies" and check the date of the only other post in this journal with that tag.

movie, newsies

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