Blues in the night

Apr 16, 2009 01:51

Any week where I get to go dancing twice is guaranteed good times.
I've been getting more into blues dancing lately and have made a bunch of new friends in the dance scene. There's a very popular Tuesday night dance at a Haitian restaurant called Waid's, but it's so popular that it's getting over-crowded. You can hardly turn around without bumping into anyone, and the floorcraft there is not really up to snuff. Seeing the problem, a few people got together to find a new venue to set up another weekly blues night, and found China Harbor, a Chinese restaurant on Lake Union with a nice lounge and dance space.
I've known about the place since I was a kid, but I've never gone because it's a bit intimidating: the building is a huge, several-stories-tall cube with no windows, covered in shiny black tile, sporting a huge neon "China Harbor" sign in bright, tacky colors. It's a damn monolith.
Luckily, it turns out to have a pretty nice, spacious dance floor, plus it's closer to home, starts a little later, and is only $5. I am wholly in favor.
Unfortunately not a lot of people are going yet, but hopefully people will start coming over gradually. Waid's is great, but this is a great alternative. I may start alternating weeks...we'll see.

Our conversation topics this evening included whether Eddie Izzard is hotter in or out of drag, the inherent sexiness of 10 Things I Hate About You, the inherent creepiness of the dude running Harbor Blues, floorcraft, and my friend McLean's upcoming completion of his phd, after which he will become DR. SLOUGHTER and obviously be a supervillain.


harbor blues, blues dancing

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