check my pressure, patch me right up

May 19, 2008 01:35

Today I am happier than I have been in a long time.

That is good.

Good things that happened today:
-Got out of work early!
-Ryan came back from France and brought me French punk CDs! He is made of awesome.
-Mary's cat had kittens, so we went to her house and cooed over them for, I am not kidding you, at least two hours. This unexpectedly kicked into gear my dormant maternal desires. I suddenly wanted babies like woah.
-I sort of want to adopt one of the kittens. This is probably a bad idea, but it makes me happy to think about it. They named one of the little girls Wolverine; if she becomes mine, I will call her Hank instead.
-Blueberry pomegranate limeade. So wrong it's right!

-Day off! Yes!
-Housework! Boo!
-Packing for Virginia! Yes!
-Freelance assignment! Uh...okay!

Best thing ever:
French punk bands starting their songs by shouting, "Un! Deux! Un deux trois!"

mary, cats, france, french punk bands, kitten, ryan

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