You should cut down on your folk life, mate.

May 27, 2007 00:23

Arrived at Folklife around noon.
Left at 9:30 pm.

I'm a bit exhausted. By the time The Bad Things played (last show of the night), I was so tired from being on my feet all day that all I wanted to do was sit. Unfortunately for my feet, The Bad Things are fecking awesome, so I managed to sway in place and jump around a little.

Good stuff today:
*Old Technology did a few sets, which included a cover of "The Fox" (does it count as a cover if it's trad?) and that song that mentions eating chocolate cake. Their banjo player makes me happy; he sings in this lazy, smiley, not-a-care-in-the-world way that makes you want to grin.
*Saw a ton of other awesome busking stringbands and/or junk bands, including Sassparilla, Spoonshine, The Conjugal Visitors, and a group whose name I am kicking myself for missing (edit: It was the Dandelion Junk Queens!) Plus a bunch of street punks with an upright bass I think they made themselves.
*I decided I want to learn to play the washboard.
*I also saw some awesome performers of a non-musical variety, including The Juggling Jollies, a fantastic and very funny juggling troupe from Bellingham.
*It turns out that Andrew from The Senate is a...I guess "sidehow entertainer" is the preferred nomenclature. He calls himself "The Prince of Pain," and does stunts including escaping from a straitjacket (you wouldn't think this was painful until you saw someone do it), and lying on a bed of nails while someone smashes a cinderblock on his chest with a sledgehammer. It was, to say the least, intense. I got a chunk of cinderblock signed as a memento.
*The Folk Punk stage was awesome, especially The Bad Things and the spectacular (in the original sense of the word) March Fourth Marching Band.
*The ridiculously cute contact juggler was there again. I may or may not have written my phone number on a piece of paper and wrapped it inside a dollar to drop in his hat. If he never calls, then I didn't do it.
*Aislinn's boyfriend Aaron did a set at one of the smaller stages, which was good for two reasons. 1, he's a fantastic singer. 2, I hadn't seen either of them since that ill-fated night when James acted like Jerk of the Year, and it turns out both Aislinn and I were worried that the other was mad. It was good to clear that air.

Bad stuff today:
*Deliguy never responded to my e-mail inviting him to come with me today, so I went alone.
*Amber stood me up with no excuses for the second time in a row. Why am I so forgiving? Why do I always give people second, third, fourth chances? They invariably throw it in my face.
*Anabelle wasn't feeling well, so she didn't join me for The Bad Things' set as planned.
*Thus, I was a bit lonely. Kind of all day. Kind of a lot, towards the end. Don't get me wrong, it was fun to wander around by myself and do and see what I wanted...for the first few hours. I guess I'm just a social animal. Like a termite.
*Oh, and my feet hurt like a witch's tit. Waitwhat?

music, buskers, folklife, anabelle

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