Apr 05, 2007 14:37
Right now I am eating toasted bulkas with melted cheese and a little guacamole and salsa on them. That's pretty weird-sounding, but I don't mind telling you that it's delicious.
Oh yeah, hi. It's been awhile.
So, Corey came to visit and it was great. We kicked ass at the con; got to see Jerry (Good lord do I love that man) and Mike (who is much hotter than he used to be, who knew?); I bought some neat comics; we sold a billion comics; fun was had by all. We had dinner with some of my friends and went to a classy party in Capitol Hill and watched Pod People and laughed. It was very nice.
Also, I may have drunk the better part of a bottle of peach Schnapps? I told Corey I'd make one more go of it, and it was fun, but not really worth it in the end. Being drunk is not fun enough to warrant guzzling down vile-tasting liquids that gave me crazy heartburn later. Now you can all stop saying variants upon "don't knock it 'til you've tried it."
Videos were taken but if Corey shows them to anyone there will be death. I do recall dedicating at least one shot to TuffCody, which was pretty hilarious at the time. And I wore a mustache.
Now I need to get back to spending my day off working on reviews for Razorcake.
Edited to add: Okay...I just watched some of the videos from the other night, and I was a lot more drunk than I thought. You people don't even understand: I used to be that silly ALL THE TIME. I worked very hard to be less silly. Paying money for gross beverages that strip away my carefully constructed filters and constraints? NONSENSICAL AT BEST. There'll be no more drinking for Sarah, especially not in any sort of public place.
emerald city comic con