I can't take it no more, so I'm going on a shopping spree!

Feb 21, 2007 20:14

Today was Magical Shopping Day! I enlisted Erin to help me get a pair of jeans, since I was down to one pair that didn't have a hole in the crotch, and that pair had a hole in the knee. Young women today just don't want the same things I want in a pair of jeans; plus I'm thrifty, so it's hard to find something reasonably priced that isn't OMG TRENDS. I braced myself for the worst.

I bought the first pair I tried on in the first store we went to.

It was unprecedented. I was so excited that I let Erin talk me into a cute red shirt with white polka dots. Leslie's respond to seeing said shirt:
blurr 02: emphasis on fucking
blurr 02: cause dudes are gonna be lining up...
blurr 02: and when it's crumpled on your floor...i'm going to sneak in and steal it

Hehe. I also managed to find a bra at the same place (Target), which is almost as hard (maybe harder?) than finding jeans. I also got a black bandana with cherries on it for a buck at the One Spot, and it's totally adorable.
We'd taken so little time, we decide to head to the Northgate Mall across the street. There, I let Erin talk me into a cute pair of slip-on black sneakers with white stars on them at Payless, and found TWO MORE bras at JC Penney.

WHEW. No more shopping for awhile, although I feel like I got good deals on everything, and I pretty much needed it all.

Except maybe the shoes.

shoes, shopping, bras, erin

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