Jan 26, 2007 00:10

Happy Best Day Ever!

Corey has provided a quite succinct and more in-depth explanation on the history and purpose of The Best Day Ever than ever even occured to me.

The story goes like this. Wayne Gretzky, also known as “The Great One” celebrates his birthday today. It’s also the day that he was signed a 20 year contract with the NHL AND won two separate Stanley cups. Now, I’m not really a hockey fan. I’m just inspired by someone having that good of a day. Think about it. On his birthday, he gets signed to the contract. He’s gotta be like “Wow, what a great birthday present!” Then, on another birthday, he wins the cup! Now he’s going “Oh my God, this is AMAZING!” Then, another year, it happens AGAIN! At this point, Wayne’s gotta be going “THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!”

We originally began celebrating Best Day Ever because none of our friends watched the Superbowl, but we still wanted to throw a party. As the years have gone on, it’s been a day to reflect on just plain having a good day. As New Year’s hits every year, we all make a resolution, and chance are, by January 26th, we’ve already screwed them up. So today, just reflect on a great day YOU’VE had. Let good things happen to you, or better yet, make them happen.

Although this year, Best Day Ever falls in the middle of a nine-day stretch of work (and after ten hour shift "today", phew), I shall celebrate it in spirit. Does anyone know where, if anywhere, I can get poutine in Seattle?

best day ever, corey, wayne gretsky

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