I like new friends.

Jan 11, 2007 23:37

So, here's a funny story. A few weeks ago, someone I used to know and haven't seen in ages popped into my head (or popped onto my playlist, really). We never knew each other really well, but I liked his music, so I decided to see if he had any new projects going. Via myspace, I discovered that he had been involved in someone else's electronic project. I listened to the tracks they had up and liked them, so I messaged the account to ask if the person was still working on material.
The guy who had started the project and I started talking, and he commented that he also used to work for Silver Platters. Turns out he's "James from Southcenter," and we probably met at a Grope, or at least talked on the phone numerous times. He's also friends with my coworker Aislinn. We chatted back and forth, and he commented that Aislinn should have a house-warming party, which would give us an excuse to hang out.
I replied, "Who needs an excuse?"
So it happened that we hung out together on Tuesday night. We got burritos at Taco Del Mar and ended up watching a movie at his place (the odd and ridiculously named Wah Wah, based on director Richard E Grant's childhood in British-occupied Swaziland and starring Gabriel Byrne, the hottest old man ever). After that, we hit up the Hurricane Cafe (my first time actually going, after hearing about it since I was in high school...I was just too wedded to Beth's to ever try it. For the record, their waffle fries are awesome).
We don't have that much in common, especially in terms of musical tastes. We have one very important thing in common, however: we both love penguins. Hell yes.

I admit, I kind of wondered if he thought of this as a date-type thing from the beginning. He did buy me dinner and cover fries and a drink at the Hurricane, plus renting the movie. But the atmosphere was just really cool, we were getting to know each other but it was very friendly. I commented on how nice it is that my parents live on the Eastside, because I can crash there when I miss the bus, and he said that if I ever missed my last bus, to call him and he'd give me a ride if he could. How sweet is that?
When he dropped me off at home, he asked, "Can I have a hug?" I said yes, and he got out of the car and gave me a hug. It was just...really nice.
The next day he sent me a myspace message saying that he had a great time, and that he had been feeling exasperated with women lately, but I gave him "renewed faith in [my] sex." He thanked me, and said "let's hang out again, sooner rather than later."

I think there's an overused film quote about beginnings and friendships that applies here.

james, movies

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