(no subject)

Sep 10, 2006 10:32

So, this week has been pretty suck.

First, my grandmother passes away. I don't have to explain that. But in addition to the sadness of losing her, now I have to miss 5 days of work to go out to Minnesotas for the funeral, plus pitch in money because my parents can't afford tickets for our whole family. Things have been getting tight lately, and that doesn't help any.

Then there was a little highlight: I finally watched all of Firefly. I love it. Words cannot express how much I fell in love with this universe and its characters (well, they CAN, but it would take a lot of them and I don't feel like typing them all.) The only thing left was to watch Serenity, which I did last night with Ryan, Jake, and Erin. Bad choice. I don't want to spill anything for those of you who haven't experienced the show, but the movie was terrible. It rushed everything, changed some of the characters, and basically? Destroyed the universe.* It's clear that Joss Whedon gave up on this universe and the possibility of it ever continuing and just tried to cram as much of the plot points he had planned for seasons down the line into a couple hours of movie. And that fact, the fact that he gave up on them...that's what is most depressing. I highly recommend that you watch the show, but honestly, don't see Serenity.
I slept with a light on last night. Because, as we all know, Reavers are afraid of lava lamps.
It's their only natural enemy.

In a bid to make today better, I think I am going to try and make empanadas (or Empty Pandas, deoending on who you ask) using Sandra's recipe. This will provide something for me to bring to Dean's End of Summer BBQ. Hopefully seeing all my coworkers drunk and eating delicious Mexican pastries will cheer me up.

*I of course refer to the "universe" that Whedon created in which Firefly takes place, but if you didn't know that, this would sound like the biggest hyperbole ever.

splatters, recipe, firefly, sucks, empanadas, joss whedon, bbq

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