You and I in a little magic shop/buy some chocolate frogs with the money we got

Jul 16, 2006 23:41

Today was hell. I tried to do too much in one day, and I tried to go swimsuit shopping, which is always a mess. Needless to say, I will be hanging out on the beach in shorts and a teeshirt in San Diego.

One of the too-many things I tried to do today was go see Harry and the Potters play a free show at Crossroads with Ryan. It was actually quite entertaining, against my better judgement I bought a "Save Ginny!" teeshirt. The opening act, Draco and the Malfoys, was not so good. They had two good songs ("99 Death Eaters Go By" and "My Dad is Rich and Your Dad Is Dead"), but the rest were pretty much "I hate Harry and/or Ron and/or Dumbledore," because, let's face it, he's not quite a complex enough character to base a 40 minute set on. Harry and the Potters were pretty entertaining, though. I particularly liked "Cornelius Fudge is an Ass," and "Stick It To Delores."
Plus, I had Drunken Knitting to look forward to, and that is always my moment of zen. Evelyn was too tired to cut my hair, but she's going to do it tomorrow. Plus she taught me to knit with two colors of yarn (!!!), so I think I'm going to make Christen Knives a stripey scarf for her birthday.

We had an uncharacteristic early ending for knitting tonight, so I think I will take advantage of that and head to bed. Will I be able to get my hair cut, work two 8 hour shifts, buy yarn, finish a Terry Prachett book, sleep, and pack everything I need in the next 52 hours?

drunken knitting, san diego, comic con, knitting, harry potter, work, knives in the attic

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