the weak end

Jul 03, 2006 01:26

Tales from work!

Sarah: (After apologizing profusely for something that was probably the customer's fault) Retail means always having to say you're sorry.
Matt: So retail is the opposite of love?
Sarah: YES.

In comic news, I am distracted from the fact that the most recent Penny Arcade is a good idea but poorly executed by the presence of ADORABLE BABY TYCHO. This makes me want to hunt Jerry down and hug him.

I have not been posting on my internets journal lately, because I've been busy like crazyface this weekend. How busy? So busy I wrote a journal entry about it!
Not a book, a journal entry!

On Thursday I had the day off, and spent it unwisely not getting enough done. In the late afternoon my sister called to see if I wanted to check out a cafe she'd tried recently, and so we did. It's called Wannabe, right behind the University Heights community center. Their decor is freaking awesome, and you get to pick your own mug! The cute barista also gave us free Otter Pops, which was good since it was bloody hot. Then we walked to the produce stand and got food stuffs, and eventually decided to make dinner together. It took us forever to decide on something to eat that it wasn't too hot to prepare, and by the time we were sitting in my room, watching Eddie Izzard and just finishing our dinner, I remember that I was supposed to go to The Funhouse that night to see Brad Confounded's new band play. I had to rush off to catch the bus, but I made it in just enough time. Devin & Cassandra and Anabelle & Chris were there, as well as an unexpected appearance by Steve Notley (I'd forgotten that he knows Brad quite well). Despite it being their first show, The Steel Tigers of Death (yes, that is Brad's band) were awesome. The rest of the bands were forgettable (ok, I might not easily forget Butt Trumpet's half-nude set, but I'll try), and we all spent most of the time out in the courtyard. I had a fantastic time, and I think Steve and I finally stepped over the professional acquaintance thing into friend territory. Photobooth pictures ensued.

Yes, you read that sign Anna made correctly. Because Anna and me and Steve makes three.
And Chris has got the video.

Friday I worked, and on the way home learned that Esti was planning on going out dancing with two of our friends from high school. I hadn't seen one since high school and the other not often at that, plus I haven't been to the Olive Garden line-dancing in for-e-ver, so I ended up joining them.
When I called home to ask Erin to feed Pepper, she told me they were moving out. The next day.
They got a really sweet deal on a place they really like in the same complex as Ryan, so they snatched it up. Yes, they are still paying rent here, so I've still got a place to stay until November. I still went dancing, which was a bit of a catastrophe (I didn't realize we were meeting at Emily's place in Puy-freaking-allup, and neither of us realized that we'd be driving from there to a bar in Tac-freaking-oma. Talk about bad planning, and to top it off, Maria asked Esti to be DD and drive her car, but failed to mention it was a stick, then drank too much even though she knew she'd have to drive). Anyway, it was not a bad night, just poorly planned.

Saturday I worked again, but took off a few hours early to go to the family homestead and procure my kitchen stuff. I never bothered to bring it here since Erin and Jake had all their stuff, so all the kitchen stuff I inherited when my grandfather sold his condo and moved into assisted living was still boxed up at my folks'. I separated out what I really needed and then went shopping with my mom for stuff I didn't have. Dollar store to the rescue! I got a bottle of "Totally Awesome!" brand toilet bowl cleaner that would make Eddie Izzard weep. Came home, helped Erin and Jake take a load of stuff to their new place (which is really nice, I have to say), unpacked some of my things, and went to sleep.
After not getting much sleep Thursday or Friday due to late-night shenanigans, I was dead-tired...but being alone in the apartment made it hard to fall asleep.

Today I worked (how predictable am I?), and then made the perilous journey to First Hill for: DRUNKEN KNITTING! Our little knitting circle has grown by a few members, which is awesome. Amber was there, and she is awesome, plus I hadn't seen her in months. Evelyn taught me to purl, making my already ridiculous practice scarf look even more ridiculous. This scarf is going to rock, and I will tell everyone, "This is the first thing I ever knitted. See here, this is where I was just getting started, it's all loose and's some stitches I dropped...this is where it grew from 20 stitches to's where I learned to purl for a few rows, then started doing the stockinette stitch, then switched back to the regular knit stitch..."
The ladies got quite drunk, and now I have an appointment next week to have Evelyn cut my hair! Glee!

Evelyn and Bams were talking about trading, specifically Evelyn's hair work for Bams clothing creation. It made me feel kind of sad, knowing that I don't have a skill that can easily be traded like that, and I purled somberly for several minutes in contemplation. I wish I could do or make something that was good for bartering, but what? I write, I can't say, "Hey Evelyn, cut my hair and I'll write you a story." Not quite the same. I need something that I could make or do, something somewhat unique. I'm sure I could think of something, if I put my mind to just made me a bit sad.

And now, I say goodnight. I am tired like a fox.

funhouse, work, line dancing, drunken knitting, devin, esti, knitting, steel tigers of death, quotes, stephen, anabelle

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