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Apr 22, 2006 00:39

Finally saw Brokeback Mountain tonight ( Read more... )

movies, jake, brokeback mountain, website, roommates, erin, adam, anabelle

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hornyhousewife April 22 2006, 13:43:27 UTC
I saw Brokeback Mountain, stayed awake the entire time, and was thoroughly disappointed with it.

...and the Loved Ones are awesome.


esyla April 22 2006, 18:27:59 UTC
See, I just don't know what I think of it yet....that's why I wanted someone to talk to about it.
I didn't dislike it, although I find the ending so...I don't know. Pointless? Jack just...dies. In an accident. Far away from Ennis. Without them resolving anything. Just...*shrugs*
There were a lot of things I liked about it and a lot of things I disliked about it *coughAnneHathawaycough*. I just judgement is just up in the air.


hornyhousewife April 22 2006, 18:34:52 UTC
I guess I came into it thinking it would actually be some sort of statement about the taboo of homosexuality and society's unacceptance or whatever, what all of the hype seemed to circle around. I didn't think it touched upon that at all, and it basically showed the two guys were sleazeballs because they were cheating on their wives. If they really truly were meant to be together, they should have manned up to their wrongdoings, divorced, and been together legitamately, not just had affairs year after year. I really had no sympathy for them at all.

Plus, taking a ten page short story and turning it into a movie that is 2+ hours, it is going to be slow moving, and that did not help it at all.

I agree with you about the ending, as well. It just sort of popped out of nowhere, no foreshadowing, no resolution, it seemed like the writers needed to end the movie somehow and decided they'd better kill one of them off.


esyla April 22 2006, 19:57:30 UTC
Well, in the 1960s middle-America, it wasn't necessarily feasible or safe for two men to live together alone. I can understand their fears, especially Ennis', considering what he saw as a kid.
I saw it not as them just being sleazeballs cheating on their wives, rather that they really loved each other but couldn't freely admit it because of how they were raised and the society they lived in. Mostly, I saw Jack as the one who was really in love with Ennis, willing to take the chance on being together, but since Ennis wouldn't, he was willing to put up with only seeing him a few times a year. Yeah, the honest thing to do would be to leave their wives and be together, but that's not an easy decision to make. They both tried to fit into the molds society expected of them, and let's face it, they both failed. Ennis was a lousy husband and ended up getting divorced, Jack ended up cheating on his wife with other people even besides Ennis.
Eh, I don't know. I'm still up in the air about it.


esyla April 22 2006, 18:36:12 UTC
Oh, and I am really excited about seeing The Loved Ones. I totally think they should tour with The Unlovables, that would be adorable.


poisonrational April 22 2006, 20:17:02 UTC
Um, I was under the impression that Jack didn't die in an accident. That that was just how Anne Hathaway spun it. I could be wrong though. I agree the ending was slow, but, sometimes that's how it happens. :|


esyla April 22 2006, 20:27:21 UTC
Oh. Hmm. I took that as Ennis just imagining it because of what he saw as a kid.

That's just another thing I'm sort of up in the air about. The ending, I mean. I did like how he went to Jack's family...and the shirts, that was great.

Another thing that bugged me: at first I was impressed with Heath Ledger's acting, especially his accent...but he kept so tight-lipped that sometimes it was blasted hard to understand what he was saying.


poisonrational April 22 2006, 21:08:33 UTC
The shirts were awesome, and I really liked that was got to meet Jack's family. It was nice to see their reactions to Jack's life, and to Ennis.

Anne Hathaway bothered the bejeezus out of me. [Especially in the last scene when she's on the phone with Ennis, and you can see the errors of her teeth bleaching and the nail polish on her fingers. (Admittedly, these things may not be visible when watching it on television; but they were clear as day on a theater screen - and were distracting to boot.)]

I was truly impressed with Heath Ledger's acting in this film. The fact that I couldn't understand what he was saying some of the times made it more beievable in regards to accent; but it doesn't mean it made me understand his character any better. Fortunately, that problem was resolved pretty shortly into the film, and I could understand most of what he said.


esyla April 23 2006, 07:30:16 UTC
Yeah, Anne Hathaway drove me nuts...I just couldn't see her as anything but the fucking Princess Diaries ugly duckling. And I didn't even SEE that movie! I was really impressed with Heath Ledger as well. He's come a long way since 10 Things I Hate About You. He had a little pitfall with A Knight's Tale, but other than that I think he's doing pretty well for himself.

Woah...all the main actors in this film were teen actors. That just hit me.
Let's just say some people are better at crossing that line than others.


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