Put me in your pocket, Professor

Mar 18, 2006 00:40

I double-booked myself tonight and I forgot about both of them. I fail at life.
Niceol Blue was playing at Trabant, which Erin and I were going to go to, plus my mom and sister were going to see my brother's play at BCC. The show closes tomorrow and I work late, so I had to cancel on Erin and go to the play. I suck.

They did The Philadelphia Story, which is awesome because I did that in high school. Nearly seven years ago, and I still remember a ton of the lines. A mystery, is the human brain. I actually auditioned for the show, but then I realized, "Oh yeah, you're taking a full load of credits and working 25 hours a week. Since when do you have time to be in plays?" But my brother did it, and had a lot of fun. It was so precious to have my brother do a show that I did back in the day. It totally made me nostalgic, but we all know Sarah is a crazy ball of nostalgia at the drop of a hat.
I was a way better Sandy than theirs, but whatever.

I'm always so proud of my brother. He only had two lines as Mac the night watchman, but he was adorable.

The best line in the whole show didn't even get a laugh!
"I get you, but you're wrong. Women like that bore the pants off me."
"For a writer, you use your figures of speech most ineptly."

Exciting news for the future? Sunday is Erin's birthday, and we have the whole day planned. Scones for breakfast, then thrifting, then dim sum for lunch, then traipsing around Seattle, maybe Pike Place and Broadway. Then it's back home to meet up with David and Charla for movies.
Monday I have an apointment for my first eye exam since elementary school. I think I've been becoming near-sighted gradually over the past few years. We'll find out for sure soon enough.

bcc, bhs, theater, eyes, erin, birthday, aaron

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