Oh, are you still here?

Mar 06, 2006 10:49

When did I go from posting nearly every day to never posting at all? It's madness.

Well, two weekends ago was the long-awaited OKGo/Motion City/Plain White Ts show. Fun fact: of the four bands playing that night, the three I just mentioned have all been featured in LSRZine&Comix's "Ten Questions" column!

I dragged my brother and Annabelle along, even though it was not their usual scene. It was my first time at Neumo's, and I rather like the place. Anna was weirded out, because she was used to seeing very different shows there. I tell you, I have never felt so OLD at a show. It's a cross I have to bear that many of the bands I love tend to attract the young'uns.
So, the show itself. The Spill Canvas did not impress me at all. They sounded like half a dozen other bands I like, and not in a good way. I kept getting glimpses of Gatsbys American Dream, especially from the lead singer.
Next up was The Plain White Ts. I adore this band for reasons I will gladly tell you now. They're total dorks. Seriously. Their lyrics? Extremely cheesy. The lead singer looks like he should be getting beat up in the junior high parking lot. But he gets up there and sings those silly lyrics like he's a fucking rock star, and instead of coming off like a cocky loser, he makes you believe it. Seriously, their "Radios in Heaven" (which they sadly did not play) is second only to The Stereo's "Divine" in pure silliness. Complete with unneccesary key change.
OKGo was up next. How do I love these boys? Let me count the ways. One one thousand! Two one thousand! They're awesome! They rock! Damien was exuding more than his fair share of sexy-lead-singer pheromones and had me (and every other woman in the crowd, I dare say) like wet sauerkraut in his hands. They've shed their former look of rock-band-t-shirts-and-jeans and now don suits and paisley, but that's ok. I have forgiven them their fashion crutch.
Their set was awesome but for two things: they didn't play a single one of their awesome show songs. OKGo has a handful of awesome songs they only do in concert and have never recorded. I speak of "Women and Men," "The Sound of a Train," and "It's Tough to Have a Crush." I suppose this was because they weren't the headliners and so had limited time, but I was still bummed out. I wanted, nay, NEEDED to hear Tim and Damian sing "Women and Men." Also, they didn't have an extra set of hands along (no "Burleigh" as you might say), so no horn parts. Other than that, of course, it was brilliant. They finished the show by reenacting their most awesome music video for "A Million Ways." I fell in love all over again.
Motion City Soundtrack's set was crippled by one sad fact: I was right in front and their Seattle fans are a bunch of green girls with no idea how to act at a show. I had a girl HIT me because I couldn't move back far enough to let her out when she decided she couldn't take the heat and needed to get her ass out the kitchen. No fault of the band's own, of course, I'm just preserving this for posterity. The band was great, even though they seemed to feed perhaps a little too much off the crowd, who screamed and cheered no matter what the fuck they said. Josh actually pointed out to Justin that, "I think they'd cheer if you told them you wet the bed."
Anyway, enough whining about the bloody crowd. The band was great. They played a good mix of both their albums, including all the songs I had hoped for except "Back to the Beat."
All in all, a great show. Best I've seen in ages...not that I've been to many shows lately. Eeehhhyeahh.

Speaking of going to more shows, I took a step in the right direction this past Saturday by going with Anna to see The Them at The Funhouse. That bar has been there for years, but this is the first time I've actually gone. The big creepy clown face looming over the roof might have something to do with that. Just maybe.

Devin was doing his roadie thing, so Anna and I took a bus to the bar. It was Chris' birthday (one of the guys I met at Devin and Anna's party), and he got well and truly sloshed. I had to slap him once for getting fresh, but other than that we all had a lovely time. They have a for-reals photobooth, not stickers or crappy digital print-outs: real, honest-to-god film that sometimes streaks as it is drying.
God, I love photobooths.

I didn't expect to actually like The Them, but I did. It's been much too long since I just went to a good old fashioned punk show. I expect I shall go to more, now that Annabelle and Devin live in Seattle again.
The next band was promising: they had a saxophone and their first song was a cover of "Sukiyaki," or whatever that song is really called. In Japanese, of course. Unfortunately, the novelty worse off very quickly, which perhaps could have had something to do with the fact that my feet started a mutiny in the middle of their set and refused to hold up my body any longer. I eventually had to leave while the third band was playing because I had to catch a bus. Turns out the 16 stops directly in front of the Funhouse and actually runs much later than I realized, which will be good to know for next time. Unfortunately the closest it gets to home is in front of the Wallingford QFC. I could have caught the 44 home, but a wild hair took me to walk the 10 or so blocks home. It was invigorating until about 3 blocks from home, then I just wanted to be curled up in bed.
Unfortunately, I had an article to write for the Jibsheet that was overdue, so I didn't get to bed until after 3am. Yeesh.

Yesterday I went to Robert's and watched the Oscars for the first time in years. Jez, I forgot how SILLY they get. Jon Stewart was awesome as the host, it didn't feel as scripted and stilted as I had feared. I liked that no one particular movie swept the awards; that's always so boring. I rather enjoyed it, even though I hadn't seem mostr of the nominees this year.
Best presenters: Lily Tomlin and Meryl Streep, ad-libbing giving the honorary Oscar to Robert Altman.
Worst presenter: Tough call. Ben Stiller in a unitard? Unneccesary. The Wilson brothers? Unfunny. Salma Hayek's breasts? Uneven.
Best speech: Reese Witherspoon, I think, although she did go on a bit, and used the phrase "real woman" too many times. Maybe it was actually the Wallace and Gromit guys and the bowties they brought for Oscar.
Worst speech: Anyone who won the award with someone else, but took so long thanking people that their partner didn't even get a word in. Assholes.
Best amusing foreign person: Either the French March of the Penguins guys ( I WANT one of those penguins) or the documentary winner from South Africa. Watching a really pale white guy shouting "VIVA AFRICA" is an interesting experience.
Best bit: The fake mud-slinging lobbying ads.
Worst bit: Too many random montages, especially the "epics." Ben Hur? Epic. Gone With the Wind? Fucking epic. Grease? WTF!?!?
IMDB's daily poll yesterday was "I'll turn off the Oscars tonight if..." Some of the options were "anyone makes a Dick Cheney/bird hunting joke" (check) and "There is dancing of any kind during any performance" (check). I don't recall the rest, but I know they hit a few more.

photobooth, plain white ts, funhouse, ok go, the them, robert, aaron, oscars, shows, devin, neumo's, motion city soundtrack, anabelle

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