that's sick.

Feb 22, 2006 20:34

I felt pretty sick this morning, but after sitting in bed drinking tea all day and doing Chemistry homework, I was starting to feel much better. I went to the store with Erin and she made me dinner (baked chicken with mashed potatoes and stuffing: yay carbs!), which was delicious, but now I feel worse then ever.

I'm congested all to hell and back, my joints ache, I feel flushed and feverish, and I'm starting to get that prickly skin feeling you get when you're sick.
This does not bode well, considering that I have tests in both English and Chemistry tomorrow, plus I am scheduled for an endoscopy on Friday morning. We'll see how I feel after staying in bed all day tomorrow...but if it comes down to it, I might sacrifice class in favor of getting well for my procedure. I just hope a good night's sleep does the trick.

The problem is that when I'm this miserable, the last thing I want to do is study. I just want to curl up in bed and watch something that will cheer me up, like The Princess Bride, or the Seattle Children's Theater's Snow White.


The real reason I decided to post is to tell everyone who likes awesome, unique jewelry to check out my friend Kirsti's store. Her stuff is a-freaking-dorable, so please go buy some because every time someone gives Kirsti money, an angel gets its wings or some ridiculous notion.


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