Jun 19, 2007 01:00
So, I have strep throat. Generally not a huge deal. However, this time, it seems to hate me.
I went to work on Friday with a scratchy, slightly sore throat. I didn't think anything of it, assumed I was getting a cold, or maybe my body was just adjusting to the different weather down here. By the end of the day, I was having a hard time regulating my body temperature, my throat felt seriously sore, and I was exhausted. So, on the way home I stopped at CVS and purchased my first thermometer. It confirmed my suspicion: 101.5. I hadn't had a fever in literally years, but I wasn't overly concerned. I called my parents to have them send me a copy of our new insurance card, and decided that if I didn't feel better in the morning, I would go see someone in town.
I woke up feeling like I'd gotten hit by a truck. Muscle aches, 102.3 fever, and my throat was sore and swollen. And the lymph node under my right jaw was about three times its normal size. Great. So, I waited in a clinic for two hours to be treated by a doctor who didn't do a throat swab, didn't look in my ears, and didn't listen to my lungs. I was given a decongestant, a prescription for an antibiotic, pronounced a strep throat case, and sent home. All this by a man who appeared to have gotten his medical degree by sending in box tops, because when he asked what I was majoring in, he said, "Biochemistry? Doesn't that have something to do with the Krebs Cycle or something?" Oh. My. God. He wanted to know why I was at Clemson for the summer, and as I tried to explain my research, he asked, "Wait, biochemistry deals with DNA and cells?" God. Get me out of here.
Turns out the doctor my have been right. After a couple days on the Amoxicillin, I'm feeling a little better. My lymph node is only slightly swollen, my fever finally broke this morning, and though my throat is still wicked sore, I don't feel like it's swelling shut on me anymore. I'm going to go back to work tomorrow, but take it easy. Drink lots of water.
I'm not quite able to swallow solid foods yet. So, liquid diet it is.
On a more positive note, I've gotten caught up on sleep, and I've watched season 3 of Sex and the City and have made it through a good portion of season 2 of House during my bedridden state. And I did remember to call my father yesterday and tell him I think he's amazing.