Dec 05, 2006 16:35
1. Shay Laws
2. David Maus
3. Laura Anderson
4. Megan Halub
5. Henry Malm
6. Cameron Klein
7. Michelle Sollman
8. Eric Steele
9. Rochelle Immel
10. Kate Holloway
11. Dana Slater
12. Megan Zimmerly
Q: Have you ever kissed number 7?
A: Haha. No.
Q: What's the best memory you have of 9?
A: So many drunken memories. Probably the night she came up to the cold dorm *still in her winter coat* and woke us all up to hug us.
Q: When's the next time you're gonna see 4?
A: Probably sooner than later.
Q: Is number 10 pretty?
A. Totally.
Q: What was your first impression of number 8?
A. No idea.
Q: How did you meet 3?
A: In Calculus class freshman year. Then she moved in with me. :)
Q: Have you seen 5 in the last month?
A: Yes, actually. I see him randomly a lot.
Q: Do you think 2 has a crush on you?
A: Absolutely not. He's with Faith. :)
Q: When was the last time you saw 12?
A: Wow. Last spring. I miss her.
Q: Have you ever been to 1's house?
A: If Alpha Chi counts ... yes. Never been to TN to her house, though.
Q: Would you ever kiss 6?
A: Hahahaha. That's hilarious. It would be horribly awkward, though I thought he was HOT in high school (God I hope Cam doesn't read this!)
Q: When's the next time you'll see 10?
A: Oh, I have no clue.
Q: Have you ever been to the movies with 4?
A: I think once freshman year?
Q: Have you ever gotten in trouble with 2?
A: Hm. I'm sure we caused trouble in our little group at one point.
Q: What do you and number 6 talk about the most?
A: Random things.
Q: Would you give number 5 a hug?
A: Sure. :)
Q: Would you ever go on a date with number 11?
A: Well, I love Dana ... but only if it were a platonic date, as I like boys.
Q: Are you in love with number 12?
A: No offense, Megs. Nope.
Q: When have you lied to number 7?
A: I don't believe I've lied to Michelle.
Q: Do you know a secret about number 8?
A: Maybe I did at one point. Not so much anymore.
Q: Describe the relationship between number 9 and number 5.
A: They probably have no idea the other exists
Q: What is the best thing about your friendship with number 4?
A: She's hilarious, and a great friend.
Q: What is the worst thing about number 1?
A: Hm. I'm not sure. Shay's a class friend.
Q: Have you ever danced with number 7?
A: Nope
Q: How long have you known number 12?
A: Since her freshman year of high school
Q: Have you ever been in a fight with number 8?
A: Nope.
Q: Does number 9 have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
A: If not, she deserves one.
Q: Have you ever been a co-worker with number 6?
A: Nope
Q: Have you ever wanted to punch number 2 in the face?
Q: Has number 1 ever met your mother?
A: Nope.
Q. How did you meet number 6?
A: Junior year, advanced chemistry
Q: Did you ever accidentally physically hurt number 5?
A: I don't think so ...
Q: Do you live close to 7?
A: Yes, at school. Right down the hall. She's probably 30 minutes from me at home.
Q: What is number 2's favorite food?
A: No idea. I bet it's obscure or really creative.
Q: Who is the most flirtatious?
A: Kate?
Q: If you could change one thing about number 10, what would it be?
A: Nothing, except to make her happy with herself :)
Q: Say something nice about number 11.
A: Dana cares so genuinely about people
Q: Which one lives the farthest away?
A: Rochelle :( Texas.
Q: Which one do you hang out with the most?
A: Michelle
Q: Who is the loudest?
A: Megan Halub
Q: What kind of car does number 12 have?
A: no idea
Q: Have you traveled anywhere with number 8?
A: Mmm. Spring Break work weeks?
Q: If you gave #5 $100 dollars, what would they spend it on?
A: probably school.