hiee..!!!..whooaa i haven't updated in this thingy for such a long time..itz cuz i have a xanga now..n i think itz easier to use dan a livejournal..cuz iono how to do da bakground n stuff like dat for a livejournal...n ya..lifez ok i guess..n now derez no more skool..but itz kinda borin...n ya diz summer we're gonna fix da whole house..kitchen, bathroom, everythin..n make it look nice..yay!!..im soo happy..n i also can't wait fo da retreat..i hope every1 goez..especially downey..cuz dere church pplez r reely fun..soo yep..can't wait for dat..n ya i guess datz all....ill update more..i guess..kkz ttyl..baiz
P.s. If ya wanna go to mah xanga..herez da link..n post a message in mah chatterbox..kkz...
www.xanga.com/eswe3teh_181 N i also wanna noe how well ya noe meh..so take mah quiz..
http://www.friendtest.com/viewquiz.php?account=eswe3teh181 kkz i guess datz all..mwuahz!!!