Player: Kuruma
AIM: time held me
Character's name: Deunan Knute
Character's canon: Appleseed manga
Brief (around 300 words) personality outline of your character:
"Her investigative sense is poor and her character worse."
--Appleseed, Vol. 4
Brash, impulsive, and about as subtle as a set of brass knuckles, Deunan means well, but half a minute to think through the consequences of her actions is just too long. Do you know how many rounds she could have fired in those 30 seconds?!
While her instincts are solid in combat, in anything less immediately life-or-death, Deunan's decisions are substantially more ill-advised. She's none too honest and basically incapable of delaying gratification, and she hasn't yet come to grief in day-to-day life almost entirely because Briareos drags her out of trouble kicking and screaming--often non-metaphorically.
Much of Deunan's recklessness is in reaction to a hard life. Her mother was murdered when she was a child, and her father, with whom she had a complicated relationship, died in the unrest that spread across the world when she was in her late teens. For years, literally the only person she had in the world was Briareos, and even he almost died in the explosion that led to him becoming a cyborg. Her carelessness is a defense mechanism, only beginning to be blunted by the safety of her new home in Olympus. If she doesn't let anyone close, losing them can't hurt her.
On the bright side, her loyalty, when she gives it, is absolute. She's irrepressible, never panics, and never, never gives up. When forced by circumstance to stop and think, she'll arrive at the right conclusion...most of the time. If Briareos manages to keep her alive for 10 or 15 years, long enough for the hormones to settle, some maturity to sink in, and the ghosts to fade, Deunan will turn into an excellent soldier and leader.
Brief (around 500 words) history and background of your character OR link to a really good wiki page with their history. In either case, explain where they cut off from the timeline:
It's the early 22nd century. The world managed to survive another nuclear war, plus a couple of non-nuclear ones, but it's kind of Mad Max outside the cities, and the cities themselves aren't exactly in great shape. The most notable exception is Olympus, an attempt at utopia run by bioroids, a cloned race with negative emotions suppressed. Deunan's father, Carl, contributed his DNA to the bioroid project.
Deunan was born in 2106, and her life was reasonably uneventful (despite Carl being a right bastard) until she was 10, when her mother was murdered and her family* relocated to Los Angeles. Shortly thereafter, she met Briareos when he "retired" from the KGB and joined her father's SWAT team. Deunan entered the Police Academy in 2122, but this was only putting the polish on the training her father had already given her.
*The Databook suggests she has at least one sibling, but provides no further information.
It's unclear when and how Carl died, but it was likely in the medium-scale conflicts that erupted in 2125. Deunan and Bri had nothing tying them to LA, and they started to travel across the continent through Badside, the term for any part of the world that was still in ruins from World War III.
It was in Badside that the emissary from Olympus found them. Though suspicious, they agreed to relocate. Neither of them seemed cut out for utopia, but before they could change their minds, Briareos was shot when he got caught in the fallout of Olympus's high-level political machinations, necessitating a long hospital stay (with a large bill.*) Bri and Deunan joined ESWAT (Extra Special Weapons and Tactics), and things appeared to be going well until the autonomous mobile gun platforms** under the control of the Olympus central computer Gaia began to attack the bioroid cloning facilities in a misguided attempt to protect humanity.
*I am not clear on why a supposed utopia charges for medical treatment, but just go with it.
**The setting has something of a "but I intended my Death Ray for purely peaceful purposes!" problem.
Deunan decided that Olympus was worth saving, and she and Briareos deactivated Gaia and with it the gun platforms. From that point, neither was ambiguous in their support of Olympus (and its attempts to impose peace through superior firepower.)
In the time that followed, Deunan and Bri usually managed to end up in the middle of whatever was going on--rooting out spies in ESWAT, anti-terrorist raids in France and Olympus, drinking heavily--Deunan managing to continually get herself deeper in debt all the while, which Bri eventually paid off by forging the ESWAT commander's signature on a requisition form. (They're great people, really.)
In the uncompleted Volume 5 of the manga, Deunan and Bri had chased their terrorist target from a decoy cargo ship to land, and were in pursuit of a combat cyborg who had appeared on scene. The story stops there, and it's from that point I'll be pulling Deunan.
Sample post (just a general, everyday, puttering-around-the-ship post; please include a snippet of dialogue):
Being naked didn't bother her. Being covered in slime only bothered her a little. Being deprived of her weapons...that bothered her a lot.
"Where's 'here?'" Deunan demanded. There was no one at whom to point angrily, so she jammed her fists into her hips and shouted at the ceiling, or at least up, where the ceiling ought to have been if the room hadn't receded into darkness. "You can't just go kidnapping citizens of Olympus!"
Grievous crime against national sovereignty notwithstanding, Stacy didn't seem inclined to discuss the matter, and the only reply Deunan got was a glob of pod goo hitting the floor with a splat. "Great," she muttered, looking around the cavern.
It was some dark mirror of the Tartarus facility, the smooth and gleaming technology of Olympus replaced with ominous organic pods, the constant hum of the machinery with the pulse of...what? No one used living tech like this, and Deunan shuddered. Bioroids grown in Tartarus emerged into light and certainty, calm and ready to take their places governing the world. She, on the other hand, had nothing but questions, and the itch between her shoulders that came of her instincts telling her just how vulnerable she was.
"Briareos, where are you?"
Because the choice to stay or go was hardly a choice at all, she began to follow the lights.
If the character has magic, mutant, or otherwise metahuman abilities, please explain what they are and outline EXACTLY how they function, as their powers may not work due to the nature of the ship or may need to be limited somehow:
This probably counts as metahuman: Deunan's body is augmented with micromachines (the Japanese term for what an English-speaker would call nanomachines or nanites; it rarely gets translated properly.) They filter out viruses, bacteria, and ingested and inhaled poisons, and provide medical interventions. They can stop bleeding or help her regain consciousness. They explicitly do not help with nerve agents or anything absorbed through the skin.
Non-superhuman special abilities of note (Is your character a master ventriloquist? A naturally-occurring super-genius? The best martial artist in the world? Say so here):
Through the luck of the genetic draw, Deunan is about as physically capable as it's possible for a normal, unaugmented human to be. She's strong and resilient, with high dexterity and fast reaction times. While naturally right-handed, she's trained so extensively that she's functionally ambidextrous. In a more peaceful time, she might have been a world-class athlete. As it is, her natural talents have all been turned toward fighting.
Her father, who easily qualified for the title "crazy old bastard," spent most of Deunan's life training her to follow in his footsteps as an urban warfare specialist. As a result, she's proficient in any conventional weapon you care to name (if it requires an Exotic Weapon proficiency, it'll give her pause, though she'll pick it up quickly), and absolutely terrifying in a firefight, melee, or hand-to-hand. She's also one of the world's best landmate pilots. A landmate is a set of power armor between about 9 and 12 feet tall. The newest models can fly, and all are extremely tough and loaded with very large guns.
Last, when Deunan slows down long enough to think, she's even a good tactician. This, however, doesn't happen very often. She's smart, but the impulsiveness hides it.