New Years Resolutions 2009

Jan 12, 2009 20:53

New Years Resolutions 2009

Historically, I have not been a big fan of New Years Resolutions. The reason being that people's plans with them are typically misguided with reality. Between that and not having strong enough reasons for their desired outcomes. I have a few plans for 2009.

1. Focus on the solutions not the problem. I work with people who try and bring their personal problems with them to work. While I am typically a good listener, I cannot let their outlook on life negatively affect me. As bad as it may sound, if I had to choose, I'd be with a completely different group of people. I'm sure others feel similarly.
2. Doing things I don't want to do. My current outcomes are largely the result of taking the easy way out on a variety of topics. My proudest accomplishments are those that involved heavy lifting. If getting a masters degree were so easy, everyone would do it. I pulled myself together out of a state of disarray time and time again, this is no different.
3. Writing more. I have always found at least 5 people who are interested in hearing what I have to say. Typing or physically writing out my thoughts enables clearer thinking and results in less focus on seemingly meaningless events.
4. Be cool. One thing I've learned from Barack Obama is that he knows how to keep his cool. There is a time and a place to be serious and direct. I can let my guard around people I trust. I don't have to walk on eggshells. Life is supposed to be fun.
5. Be selectively ignorant. I can personally attest to the fact we are living in a world of too much information. Think of how many tv shows, internet sites, newspapers and magazines exist. Focus on what really matters. What will get me ahead or really excites me. If that means not loading or facebook 10 times a day so be it.
6. Networking. I purchased a Macbook Pro this month because I wanted a computer that was more able to serve as a replacement for my desktop. Why? I've spent god knows how much time sitting in my room chatting away on the net. I've come across lots of awesome people. They have social lives outside and are doing things closeted reclusive types would only dream of. I really like people. I just have limited my contact because I don't think anyone else really got me. Now I'm beginning to see the light. It takes effort, but I think if I take it slow and steady I will be successful.
7. Live consiously. I can't count the nmber of times I've simply vegged out doing one thing for hours at a time. Before I knew it, my whole weekend was over. Steve Pavlina and Eckhart Tolle in particularly have helped me open my eyes here. Life is worth living. To forever stay brainwashed by someone else's ideologies is never the goal. Neither is turning off your brain and settling for far less than we're capable of.
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