Jun 07, 2005 18:57
alright so i have two big things to talk about over the last couple weeks: Penn State and HOBY...ive been slackin...oops
where do i even begin for penn state girls...i mean really! first of all grif..what would i do without you. you provided me with sugarless chocolate which i sprawled out on the floor and ate, kind of out of it, before heading on up to the bobo's rooms. and our late night talks...oooh boy! that was a fun night, who knew that aubrey n bri(or is it bre) could get a shirt sleeve up there ass and over their boobs...haha...n then obv we put them on our heads to look like gypsies. ah and the burnt popcorn we somehow managed to make which left the wholeee dorm smelling peachy! our annual trip to hooter's was a blast as well! wayto gooo kay! you owned that chair! and our ditzy, yet extremely nice, waitress friend..jackie n i got a picture with her!!! (like extraaa extraaa largeee ?!) haha. shopping...o boy..our moms..oh no. they had as much fun with the sex books as we did. they even bought bracelets with drunk on them and anti masturbation gum?! yeaaa but we did get our pics taken withthe sex books haha. yea classic. the elm tree spray anyone? kinda got lost that night, while singing at the top of our lungs...kinda blurry haha. getting the dispatch stickers off the ceiling thing outside on the sidewalk with heather on my back was definitely one to remember. all that for stickers haha! the girl with crap on her ass! ive never laughed so hard! she thought i was mental..wouldnt blame her but..whoa that was great. ride hom was fun too..kay n heather...cant wait til next year my loves...hells yea.
Ok so movin on to hoby. guys i never thought id have as much fun as i did that weekend. and the fact that the bobo's were there was a great surprise!! my group was the all time best and i love each of you. definitely some highlights this weekend. how about the pony game for one?! yea and our group how we could never pay attention...dacia..playin lemons was a good way to pass the time by lol. cant forget the talent show guys...it was soo the best one out there...most original :) i cant wait til august 6th or at least til we can see eachother again all at once! and you too braden i luv ya! take care my loves n cant wait to see y'all.
soo starting out this week...slow start haha. but lauren hopkins...u made my day when u garbage picked my spanish folder cuz no1 would care if you did it lol. i forgot i needed 2 of the sheets..that now have some nasty crap on em haha! but yes only a few more days left bitchessss
<3 to all