Oh, i forgot about you!

Jul 22, 2006 20:39

So you havent heard from me in a little while? Well to ketch you up, i have visited El Salvador and now am in Honduras. First ill talk about El Salvador. Origanly Kevin and Raad had their douts about going into another country that we didnt know that much about. But i really wanted to visit El Salvador since we were going to be so close. The people in El Salvador were the nicest that we have met. There is a welcoming atmosphere there towards foreners becuase they dont have as much turism as would like. The curency is the USD and their flad is red white and blue but with the colors horizontal instead of vertical. We stayed with a family in a small town for the first night and desided to go camping on El Imposeble (a national park mountian near the town) the next night. We were told to go to a road and hitch a ride to the base of the mountian. The next morning we went to the road that people told us to go to and waited for about 45 minutes for a ride. None came and soon we asked a passing pick-up truck when one was going to come. He said that cars didnt go to El Imposible but that he was going to a small town that was close to the mountian and said that we could get a ride with him. We took him up on this proposition and hopped onto the back of the truck. After about an hour of slow and bumpy driving we reatched the "town". None of us say anything but one man said it was up a hill and to follow him there. Well this "hill" turned out to be a two hour climb up the side of a mountain with each of us carring 40 pound bags. We soon lost sight of the man we were following and just kept climbing till we found some people that could point us in the direction of a place to stay. To give you an idea of the distance we climbed about 2000 virtal feet and went a distance of about 3 or 4 miles (Raad has a GPS unit). Anyway, after talking to a few people we found one person who was willing to house us. His name was Osiris, a young man with, as we would soon meet, an very welcoming diverse family. We camped out in front of his house. The first night lightning struck a communication tower about 150 ft away from were we were staying. It created a loud bang and all power in the entire town went out. The next day kevin and I went hiking to El Imposible and Raad stayed back to work with the family. Kevin and I went looking for a (nonexistant?) waterfall and returned to find that Raad had really hit if off with the family. We spent the rest of the day with Osiris´ family and grew to really appreshate everyone we ment. They were extreemly hospitible and welcoming of us into their family. Raad disided to live with them for the next few years so he will not be traviling with us anymore. Well, actulay that is not entirly true but he did really enjoy working with them, so much so that he wants to spend time in the future living with a remote family similar to that one for a good leignth of time.
Now, on to Honduras. So far the people here have not been as friendly or occomidating as in El Salvador but none the less i am excited. There is a desent amount of anti-american sediment here, alot of kids saying stupid things and such. Yet the guide book says a lot of promising things about Hondurs. The two main sites we are looking forward to are El Moscatia and the northern coat. Both look very intresting so i am looking forward to continuing on.
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