Jul 18, 2004 17:09
So everything has been a complete rollercoaster ride lately. Not that i'm really complaining it's been fantastic to be kept busy but damn does time fly. Well let's see a quick recap since i'm horrible at keeping this thing up to date. Went to Madonna on Thurs the 15th was my first concert and I really don't know how to describe the aftermath i'm feeling now let alone how fanatical I was at the concert itself. It was absolutely amazing, I've completely been forced to eat my words about teenie boppers and the whole fan thing that i've never really been a part of before. I was probably the loudest bitch up in there and it was completely inspiring. Every time i'm at work and hear one of her songs i get all excited and wig out and it's quite hysterical to watch i'm told. So moving along, works crazy, i'm training to be management from the sounds of things, possibly moving to GR. Odd ass medical dillemnas never seem to end but you can damn well bet when my insurance takes effect next month i'll be the healthiest bitch on earth. Two of my great friends from work have left us and i'm quite saddened by this, suppose to go party w/ them later this evening. Lost my ID and CC was going to go tomorrow to the bank to cancel my card and low and behold my bank calls me and they found it in the rental car we took to the concert. didnt' want to buy a new one just to have to get another in 3 months for my 21st, so anywho. I think this has babbled on enough, so until next time!