So where is home?

Jun 14, 2004 03:41

So i dissappeared to home for a night, (jackson) thought I would see what was shakin' back here. Not a damned thing as always. So the past few days have been interesting, i've drank myself to a stouper and back to sobriety so many times that i'm surprised i'm still this coherent. I'm having a very difficult time w/ him, to be honest, i've finally come to the epiphany that being the strong, in control person, really isn't being strong at all. That being strong is being able to grab life by any limb and still know that you will eventually get bucked off but you'll survive. My heart has gavin me nothing but the feeling of fire yet still my head is required for it to begin to kindle.
I've found myself in Robert Frost's position, i've come to the two paths that diverge in this wood and I must choose weather I should take the path less taken. However the most important question at hand, the one that has tore at my soul, is which one will lead me to you. And am I strong enough to be the person i need to be to take that path. It's fealt so strange waking up to you, even if it's only been twice, and being able to do nothing but be happy and cherish every heartbeat, for the man-made conception of time could never be a good parameter to the lifetimes I feel while observing one breath of your slumber. I'm faced w/ the harsh fact that perhaps i'll scare you away, but at least in the end i'll be able to excel, hopefully w/ but perhaps w/o you, in knowing that i wasn't the one who was scared for once. For if home is where the heart is, my house is now w/ you. Cheers all.
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