There is a storm brewing outside. I am sitting in front of the window, in the sun, listening to the distant thunder and
music previews, waiting for the rain, hoping for a rainbow.
I spent some time in a park today (again), reading. I am glad that I don't have to spend the summer in Moscow. I sometimes hate summer, though most of the time I love it. But there are days when you just feel so stuck in the middle of the heat and sun, not knowing what to do with yourself, bored, but too lazy to actually do something. You feel like you should spend time outside, because the weather is so nice and because inside it's stifling, but at the same time you just don't want to...
I hate people today.
I hate men because they're so sleazy and predictable sometimes. I hate Moscow's women today; they irritate me for some reason. And today, surprisingly, I shudder at the thought of kissing girls.
I am looking forward to going to summer camp, I'm looking forward to hanging out with people I don't have much in common with and who don't really know me, I'm looking forward to hanging out with the Americans who'll be there because sometimes Americans are so refreshing. I'm kinda sick of Russians by now (not all of them, of course, but generally).
Oh my god, how did I never know about this composer (Saint-Preux) before. There are so many melodies that are oh so beautiful. ♥ And I am sucker for piano music. Le piano d'Abigail sounds so adorable. Where can I get his music? iTunes doesn't have any.
Can't wait to see which of those songs Mr Weir picked and what he'll do with it.
The sun is gone and with it my hopes for a rainbow. It's a sad sad world without rainbows. I'm drinking green jasmine tea, wondering what I want to do... finish my website, probably, though I also wanted to finally post recent pictures to my Russia-blog. And I wanted to write, all afternoon I kept wanting to write, but I can't, it just doesn't work.
I will go skating tonight; it might be the last session in a very long time (or maybe I'll get to go once more next Saturday, it depends on whether the rink will be open). I hope it will be good.
I am looking forward to going home.