Clockwise. :)

Apr 18, 2008 22:31

On Wednesday, I have a first try-out session with Yulia, the figure skating coach I was talking about. I called her a while ago and she sounded super nice. :) (I spoke Russian with her, even though she knows English - she was nicely surprised when I started talking Russian with her, heee.)

And guess what: She is a clockwise spinner, too! So I was already excited about that. And then Lena offered to show me a picture of her, so that I know what she looks like and find her on Wednesday. I open the picture and ahahaha, it's a picture of her with Johnny Weir.
Lena: The girl on the left is yours.
me: Oooh, can I have the one on the right as my coach? *_*

It turns out that Yulia The Coach kinda adores Johnny and Stéphane. Obviously, that makes me smile. I don't think I can afford skating with her more than once a week, unfortunately, but still it's better than nothing.


My body hurts. It's so odd. The muscles on my back hurt. Though it's better than it was earlier today. My legs hurt more than they did in the morning, though. I made it through the whole aerobics lesson... but after that, climbing the stairs was a struggle! XD But I don't even mind, because it's the good kind of pain, the one that comes from doing something beneficial.

I sent a few more internship applications today, then went to buy bread in this store on Noviy Arbat. It was raining when I got out of the metro there, but it was gorgeous spring rain - the sun was shining and I couldn't help but smile. Good that I remembered to take my umbrella with me. (It was neat that it started to rain, because my umbrella matched my outfit and made it even better. Perfect accessory!:D)
The bread is great and they had many more kinds that looked nice. One thing I miss here is buns, proper ones like they have in Germany.

Oh and btw - I have read some reports about the ice show that took place in Prague last night. It's so unusual and funny to read all this in Czech. And it's also funny how the reaction to meeting Johnny seems to be pretty much the same for everyone, no matter what nationality or language. It's all about how petite and skinny and tiny and sweet he is. What made me crack up is that there are next to no pictures from after the show, because everyone was too busy just STARING; they didn't even remember that they have cameras. :D So cute! ♥

PS: I am now worried that all the elements I know how to do will just disappear when I meet Yulia The Coach on Wednesday! I don't want that to happen!

edit: I almost forgot! They were giving out free chocolate pralines in the shop where I bought my bread, like a in-store promotion campaign, sort of. The lady at the praline table was texting someone, so I just walked past and took one of them from the table. :) It was DE-LI-CI-OUS! YUM! It was one of the best chocolates I've had in quite a while. It turned out that it was Cote D'Or, the one with the elephant in the logo. I thought it was Swiss at first, but then I remembered the elephant logo and where I'd seen it - it was in Tallinn, at Reet's. That means the chocolate wasn't Swiss, but Belgian. :) Still - delicious!

figure skating, weather, food, czech republic, johnny weir

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