I fucking can't write good dialogue.
Especially not when it's two boys having a dialogue.
Maybe that's because I don't talk to people about serious matters very often.
Especially not boys.
It makes me wanna smash my computer.
If you're wondering what this is about... Remember
Liquid Daze, the fic I wrote? You probably don't. But I've been planning to finish the series all along and last week I finally started. Well, started for a second time, started from scratch and instead of writing the morning after like I first thought I would, I skipped in time to COI 2007.
Now I'm on page 5 and struggling to convert the fact that boys are stupid into a plausible conversation between the two main characters.
I'll either give up and go watch V for Vendetta, or give up and write the Johnny/Denis/Melissa triangle that sprung into my head after reading this
comment at about 1am last night.