Johnny Weir goes shopping, part 3484981956.

Sep 28, 2006 23:32

Johnny cupped his hands to his mouth and said, "That looks soooooo cute on you!"

... that sounds like a line out of one of the Johnny-drags-Evan-to-a-shopping-trip fics, right? Except, this is no fic, this is reality.

Read this and giggle with me!

Honey, I've got all day.
I am a princess.
And all Vai's mentions of how tiny Johnny is etc.

Lena dropped by tonight, wanted to surprise me (but the security at the entrance to the dorms wouldn't let her in - so she had to call me and I had to go downstairs to pick her up)... And among other things, she showed me this article. How come I've never read it before? :D

johnny weir

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