I just started laughing out loud, which got me a What?! from my roomie. But I can't stop myself. It's all Johnny's fault. I know everyone has already quoted his newest Q&A, but that doesn't stop me from doing the same:
Q: Has PETA ever come after you?
A: I have gotten so many things from PETA. I don't attack them for their choice to save animals from being coats, so they shouldn't attack me for wearing them. I wonder if they realize that all skaters wear skates made from cow?
The "save animals from being coats" bit was the one that made me laugh. Mwahaha. And the last sentence - he's like bitchiness personified throughout this entire Q&A and I love love love it!
Q: I have to say, my question was going to be the same as Jamaica's about the Potty-mouth comments in your journal. I understand children hear that kind of language everywhere from everyone - unfortunately even those they may look up to. I guess I'm wondering why it doesn't bother you that you're the one setting the example? Or maybe it doesn't?
A: I don't care simply because I don't care. There are much bigger problems with our world and society then a dirty little word. I mean, people had a problem with Spongebob possibly being gay. FYI, he's a sponge and a cartoon. Children can make their own decisions in life, and hopefully they have positive influences who can help guide them. Just because I say damn, bitch, shit doesn't change their life. I used those words to express my feelings. I'm sorry if people take offense, but really think about other people's example to our world's children. George Bush is showing kids it's okay to invade a country and kill people. The Taliban is showing their region's children that Allah wants you to crash planes into American buildings and kill people. Hitler made an entire nation hate Jewish people simply for being Jewish and showed that it was okay to exterminate as many as possible. There are bigger things in life than anything I have to say in these postings, journal entries, interviews. Get over it. There are always bigger fish to fry. Write our president.
He has a point there.
Q: I can't help but notice the pretty ring you often wear on your pinky finger, and I am just wondering if there's a story behind this trinket? Is it silver? Was it a gift? I like it, and wear a silver band on the same finger as well.
A: There was a story. It was white gold and had diamonds and sapphires. I don't wear it anymore. The time for that ring has passed.
Whaaat? No ring anymore? *pouts* I loved that ring. White gold and diamonds and sapphires - very classy. I wonder if that had been a gift from his now-ex-boyfriend. Ouch. :(
Q: Hi, I teach 5th graders and am going to do a unit on you, for them, in a few weeks. Bio, skating, etc... What would you say to my boys who may think ice-skating is a girl's sport and not exciting, if you could tell them, yourself? I wish you the best! You are SO talented and adorable! :D Vickie S.
A: Tell your boys to go on the ice, with no pads, jump and see what it feels like to fall. That should show them it's not an easy or girly sport. Also, choreograph a four minute and forty second free program for them, with four spins that each take twenty seconds or so, eight jumping passes, and two step sequences. Believe me, after that they'll want to run for three miles instead.
This had me squealing in delight because that's exactly the thing everybody who ever makes fun of figure skaters should do. But no... The first sentence... it made me think of the pain... and that lead to more interesting thoughts. Funny how a simple sentence like that can get one's imagination going.
Also, he kept the e-mail addresses of those who insulted him and made them public. Ahahahahaha. Way to go, Johnny!!! I'm not gonna write "Sharon" or "Tanya" an e-mail, but I'm quite sure that many other people are. *evil grin*
And then there's the new journal entry.
I had been having some really rough personal turmoils and I called and asked if he'd go with me. I really needed a friend, and some normalcy from my life in Delaware. Ouch ouch ouch.
The music is a classical piece that is rather famous, but not overused, that has been remixed into a dance sort of song. I love it so much. My character is to be the King of Chess. I can't wait to see this short program! A dance sort of song. That could be amazing! Oh please, please, let the new season begin soon. :D
When I got home from the tour I went through a major change in my personal life and it's been devastating, but I've channeled a lot of energy into my work. And again. Whatever happened there... it must have hurt.
I wouldn't personally choose to wear stilettos ever (P.S.I have a new and profound sympathy for woman who wear stilettos). Lol. :D But what makes me sad is that people were mocking him for the photoshoot - c'mon, it's just fashion! And it looked good! Sure, it was a bit provocative, but that's what fashion is about.
It was the first time in a long time I felt short, fat and ugly! Hahaha, awww Johnny! <333
And a word of wisdom at the end:
The fur season is back!! No, not this one. :D
When things fall apart, it breaks your heart, but if we didn't have those times, we wouldn't appreciate the good ones.