I was seriously shocked when
dangerouss told me that she'd never heard of Boyzone before I mentioned them...
It made me wonder - how many real 90s kids are there on my flist? I've been surfing a wave of a 90s nostalgia lately, listening to Take That and The Kelly Family and Spice Girls and all the other bands that we loved... Let's see:
Do names like East 17, Fun Factory, DJ Bobo, Whigfield, 24/7 (my first favorite band!), 2Unlimited, Caught In The Act, Rednex, Boyzone, or Take That ring any bells for you? Squeezer and their legendary Blue Jeans? Captain Jack?
Do you know how to dance the Macarena?
Do you know what pogs are?
Do you remember the times when we played Tetris on these portable little thingies that would one day develop into Game Boys and PS Portables? (And wasn't Tetris the coolest game ever?)
Do you remember the days when Hubba Bubba was the ultimate chewing gum?
Did you watch cartoons like The Ninja Turtles? (Donatello was my favorite, by the way.)
Do you remember the times when we bought cassettes instead of CDs?
The Czechs on my flist: Do you remember things like Vitacit or the Pedro chewing gum? Did you watch Magion or Vega, Studio Rosa or Marmeláda? Do you have some LPs with songs by Dáda Patrasová at home? (I loved Dáda.) Do you remember bands like Shalom or Oceán? (My cousin used to totally dig those bands, haha, I was a little bit too young for music back then, but I still remember the names.) Gosh, do you remember Holky z naší školky? Or the days when Lucie Bílá was SUCH a rebel for singing holky s holkamááá, kluci s klukamááá? Je pro vás Tereza Pergnerová navždy spojena s výkřikem Čágo Belo, šílenci!? :D Taky jste celé dny trávili skákáním gumy? :DDD Surely at least some of you must remember these things - Dru? Ola? Kleio?
Also - does anyone have some of Kelly Family's albums on CDs? I only have cassettes, with a few exceptions like Live Live Live or Street Life or Christmas for All... I would love to rip some classics like An Angel into my computer, but I can't. I still love the Kellys, really. Paddy's voice still makes me shiver. ♥
Don't you miss the 90s sometimes?