Feb 06, 2006 19:49
as i have been incredibly busy, there are many points which i have wished to adress to the public, yet i have not, due to the fact that, as i already said, i have been very busy.
1. i have recently observed several different girls around campus wearing large boots, thick solid colored stockings ("tights" if you will), and denim cut-off skirts with some kind of shirt&jacket combination. a slightly altered 80's type style.
i fear this may be the new hideous fashion trend.
2. it has become clear to me why many pussycats get destroyed from climbing into car engines in the winter time. engine compartments are very warm. full of scary moving parts, but warm.
3. my senior design project is horrible. it is inevitable that at some point in the next year, perhaps several points, i will curse the world and everyone in it, hate everyone i know, hate everyone i don't know, and lose my temper with all those brave enough to come within a 12 ft. radius because it is all your fault that my project is impossible.
4. the 80's was a dark period for clothing fashion. that fashion should have stayed in the 80's.
5. there is no fifth point. this is only here to make this journal entry look more full. i really have nothing more to say.
this may be the last time i post anything for a while.
because i do it so often anyway.