Nov 24, 2004 23:22
to the men who continue to fight in the battle against the norm:
i regret to say that i have finally given in to the trend of having a live journal. i know i'm not typically one to make such decisions and allow myself to conform to the normal standards of society, but try as i might, i found that i could no longer fight the urge to type out all of my deepest, inner-most thoughts and post them up on the internet for all to see. It was a long, difficult battle, one of strength and determination, in an effort to free one's self from "the norm". alas, it seems that the struggle was all in vain, for i have surrendered to the comforts of youth's societal bandwagon. and for what, you may ask? for the acceptance into the massive group who occupy themselves daily by posting and browsing through the live journals of others? for the gratification of reading those funny little comments that everyone posts at the end of your entry? for another excuse to create a new screenname for myself? Perhaps, but these can be considered small pleasures that only compliment the true pleasure of a journal such as this.
True, everyone has a live journal, and therefore it is a "popular thing" to do, a concept which has often contradicted my views of individuality. And true, i despise the partaking in any such thing. however, if we can view this from a different perspective, we can see that perhaps this is not so much giving in to a trend as opening a door to become much more openly unique. as you all must know, there are many thoughts which lie beneath my skull that are not always expressed so vocally, many of which are so strange and different that they can only be dreamed up by none other than i. and i do believe that this will now provide me with the means and reason for expressing these somewhat suppressed thoughts of mine.
as it was so expressed to me some days ago, writing is like masturbation. for those that detest the idea of masturbaion and regard it as a sinful practice, to them i say
"fuck you and your theological treachery", for it is nothing more than a way to cleanse the body of sexual frustrations, as writing is a way to cleanse the mind and the soul of mental and emotional frustrations. therefore, expressing one's thoughts through the art of writing can be regarded as a kind of masturbation for the soul. and now, my surrender to the ways of the live journals has given me the freedom to do so. and as we have all seen through many times in the past, we all must make sacrifices for freedom.
so for those of you who still believe in rebelling against all that is deemed "popular" and "trendy", i encourage you to continue in your battle to maintain your individuality, as long as you never lose sight of your purpose. do not rebel for rebellion's sake, but rebel for the freedom of your mind, body and soul. i wish you men the best of luck. and as for myself, i raise my white flag not in surrender, but in a salute to my freedom to express myself openly for all to see.
Sincerely and Respectfully,
Sergent-Major Fox