Cracky synopsis of Walter - LOTS 218
Richard : "OMG, Darken with a woman!! I ... I always thought he was gay!"
Cara thinking : *o.O I knew I should have accepted the deal when I got the chance!!*
Kahlan hiding behind R & thinking : "This is so unfair!I didn't get the chance to remember doing it twice with 2 #men at the same moment while I was torn but I'm stuck with the image of Darken doing it now!*
Darken, all sweaty : * Better she thinks I'm gay than dead! & I hate to see him with the sword of lies Truth!*
Darken's toy lol : * o.O concurrency, I knew I should have put a better cleavage!*
LOTS cracky synopsis back in a short moment...
"After-shave balm : The Juicy-red Apple
Even the Mord-Sith will be at your feet !Grrrrr moments in perspective lol"
LOTS returns : What we've missed...
Darken just explained he was 17 years old & they're all realizing he has been cursed...
R thinking : *17 years old? I remember this little barn full of hay we used to go with...Great time I was sexualy active and then, what happened? Zedd!! telling me : "You think because I'm old I don't remember what it's like to get my britches in a bunch over a beautiful women?...It can never be, not with her". I've been haunted by Bunched britches, lurching loins and hot haunches since then!-_-*
Cara with a suspicious look thinking : *Don't tell me he was already able to do that at 17 years old!I would put my agiels in the fire if he proves me I'm wrong!* LOLOL
Zedd : *Oh no, I don't want to take care of a teenage boy again! As if it wasn't enough to cock block Richard and Kahlan all the time! sight*
Dead guy waiting in the Underworld : *Wait, where's Darken to propose me the Keeper's deal? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo*
Zedd : "Ok my boy, don't worry, we'll send you back to the... *trying to find a ruse*...NoUndiesWorld !
& Richard, I know you're disappointed to win so easily but it's ok, we'll find a way to give him back his evilness & you'll both have a fair epic hair, hot haunches fight!"
Darken, all intimidated : "Ok grand papa, b...but can I take her in the NoUndiesWorld too ?" :D