Roommate obtained.

Oct 03, 2011 21:50

Like, I still need to get the keys to his friend and he's moving in Wednesday, but rent and damage deposit has paid. I'm relieved, of course - I don't need to move, I found someone who is mature and thinks things through and seems to be into compromise. I'm also a bit anxious - I don't remember the last time I lived with a stranger or near-stranger, despite all our mutual friends. Finally, I realised that this change means that I can start unpacking again - emotionally, mentally and physically. So much in my life has been 'on hold' for the past couple months, waiting for the housing situation to settle. Now that I know where I'm living and (some of) who I am living with, I feel a bit of freedom in doing things like unpackaging items that were bagged during the bedbug extermination, that I can set up my work space again. It'll be a bit of continued work, but the foundation of certainty has been laid.

Things are improving but I'm fighting the tide of pain and depression that fall brings. Or maybe not fighting - I'm trying to ride it. Today I started the day with sun salutations and walked for half an hour extra - trying to move the blood, energy and endorphins around so I can sleep well tonight. I am trying to remember the supplements, the full-spectrum light, the layers of clothes, the anti-inflammatories, the need for least the self-care has

I've had a few days of rest, social activity, less pressing deadlines. I should write about bootblacking soon.

More later. I need to start writing more, to let myself sift through the sands of the day and touch on the sharp edges and smooth hollows.

Now to find a job before December 9th. Wish me continued luck.

This reminds me, I should read about the Wall St Occupation - I have read some of the entries on but it feels a bit like drowning. Also a relief tho - an acknowledgement that is it NOT crazy to feel like the system is broken, that the middle class dissapeared and that the future we were raised to believe was our inheritance never appeared.
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