Mar 24, 2006 10:40
so at this time next month i will have recently arrived in toronto. i'm very very very excited about moving back!!! i got rid of 4 1/2 garbage bags of clothing and shoes yesterday, donated them to the salvation army. it felt really good. i'm also less worried about packing now that i have way less stuff. it was a really good thing that i brought all that stuff home in feb. i'm booked with the movers and gave my notice at work, bought my ticket too. things are coming together. i started knitting again, miranda too. we're making this weird tubetop/shawl thingy we saw in a shania twain video. i know how strange that sounds. but we're both silly in that way, get ideas in the head that you must drop everything for. i'm excited about everything except my essay. but that wont be too bad if i ever start it. school is almost over, theres like a week and a half left. which is sooo wonderful. i cant wait to see you all.