Stormy skies...

Oct 28, 2008 20:47

I'm getting a holiday! Well, from my boss at any rate. He's going to a conference in Berlin for a couple of days which everyone is looking forwards to. For some reason he has decided to entrust work to me as of late & I've spent the last week or so producing brochures & other literature for 2009. I could have started this weeks ago, but he has typically decided to leave it to the last minute: Classic lack of organisation combined with the fact he is ever so slightly out of touch with reality means he really is pretty hard to work with. Having said that, the fact that he knows nothing about IT & types the speed of a 3 year old makes me look highly talented & gifted in his eyes. Bah well, swings & roundabouts.

I did have the realisation yesterday however that I have no clue how I am supposed to occupy myself in his absence seeing as he is the only one that provides me with things to do. Merde.

Maybe I can spend the whole time gazing in awe at the new printer? I have reminded him at various intervals over the past few months that a colour printer is a must-have item, but he finally realised he needed it today for something he was doing & within about an hour there was one on my desk. It was left to the technological whizz (ie. me) to install it...

He actually is BANANAS. But at least he provides me with plenty of possible responses to any questions regarding bad management or difficult situations that may get thrown at me in future job interviews.

In other news, life is still generally none too shabby. Granted, I do keep doing silly things like accidentally sleeping in & missing trains, but I make up for it by going on trips into the hills & looking at fairly pretty views that make me realise I can put up with the more annoying aspects of the day-to-day stuff because I live in a pretty interesting place when all is said & done.

So yes, on Sunday I managed to wake up on time & ran to catch a little old provincial train which headed out of Nice along the river until we ended up in the Arriere-Pays. It was refreshing to have a change of scenery & since Nice doesn't really seem to register the changing seasons it was lovely to see the landscape decorated with autumnal colours. Isa & I walked round the village we got to which took all of 5 minutes because the research I had done was a bit misleading & it really was very tiny. Having therefore completed the village tour we headed up the hillside on a path which weaved around lots of rock formations that were dotted about. It was really pretty, & although there were a lot of walkers out it was still very quiet & peaceful, which makes a change from the Promenade des Anglais.

After an hour or so we sat down on a rock to take in the view & have a breather. Isa didn't want to climb up any further, which was a bit of a shame because I was keen to continue - don't be shocked! Its in my blood, just look at the pictures of me from when I was younger, bundled up in fetching pink anoraks dragging a doll with me half way up a mountain (well, I may exagerate slightly there for someone with little legs I'm sure pretty much anything can qualifies as a mountain). Admittedly, when I was a grumpy teenager* I had vaguely better fashion sense but lost my enthusiasm somewhat & often had to be encouraged to go on longer walks, especially those which involved hills because I... well I was just lazy really. But something changed & now I just like being outside, even to the point where I volunteer myself for 3 months of camping in the great outdoors. I was therefore quite disappointed to head back into the vilage so soon, although when we got there I had a pretty impressive pizza which stopped me complaining as much. I like reconciling my love of the great outdoors with my other great love: FOOD.

Alas, my time in the country contemplating pretty views whilst consuming my body weight in pizza was soon over & I was back in Nice. Which was nice (I really must refrain from describing the place like that, its an annoying habit).

So then, apart from the arrival of the colour printer, the week has so far been pretty unremarkable. Actually, I lie. There was a downpour today. As an English lass who takes an interest in the weather I had suspected it was going to take a turn for the worse & had equipped myself with my trusty Primark umbrella. None of the French had, however, & there was a widespread sense of shock when the rain started to pour. Everyone instantaneously developed a headache interestingly enough, people kept passing my desk with furrowed brows, saying 'Ouf! Il pleut! J'ai mal a la tete!'

Its a shame I'm English really, it prevents me from calling in tomorrow giving a weather-induced migraine as an excuse for my absence. Damn.


* If you're tempted to suggest I'm still like a grumpy teenager then I politely ask that you shut it.
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