That just defies logic, you stupid Mzungu!

May 22, 2006 21:55

Have to say I haven't watched much tv recently, but somehow ended up watching 'Catching Africa's Killer Croc' this evening. Yes, before you ask, it was on Channel 5.

Anyway, they filmed the programme in Southern Uganda where they've had a bit of a problem on the rivers recently, with lots of fishermen and suchlike being dragged under the water by crocodiles. One crocodile in particular had created a bit of a problem. So they called in an American 'expert' (can you see where this is going?) to help set up Uganda's first 'Problem Crocodile Control Unit'.

I felt a bit sorry for these Ugandans as they tried to learn from this Stupid Mzungu (I forget his name, but that's a fitting replacement). Their first task was the find 'The Killer Croc' in the Lubanga region. So off they all went, following the stupid Mzungu and they climb into an INFLATABLE BOAT. Well done if you spotted the flaw in this plan, as ten minutes later an angry croc takes a bit out of their INFLATABLE BOAT and, unsurprisingly, it deflates.
The producers try to create more suspense by playing creepy music. This tells the audience that something else is going to happen as the team head off into the darkness on a different boat (I couldn't tell whether they'd managed to work a miracle with a puncture repair kit or not because they were using night vision). They can't really see what they're doing, and funnily enough a croc rears up out of the darkness, pulls sharply on the snare and pulls one of the men into the river with a big splash.
In another episode they head out into croc territory on foot, where the Ugandans capture their first (baby!) croc. They do manage it, but afterwards sit on the croc with a look of blind terror on their faces whilst the Stupid Mzungu jumps up and down, yells a bit, and declares them fully capable of leading Uganda's first Problem Crocodile Control Unit.

But the work of the Stupid Mzungu is not done, for Africa's Killer Croc (notice that's in it's singular form... there's obviously only one Killer Croc) is still at large and the villagers live in fear. So, off they go in another dinghy to save the day. There follows lots of confusion, where they capture the croc but nearly sink the boat. By some miracle they make it to the shore, where the villagers gather round to see what's happening, and to take another opportunity to laugh at the Stupid Mzungu. There then follows a little montage where we see the box that the Stupid Mzungu has designed to keep the croc before then transporting it back to some lab somewhere.

The next morning we see however that the Killer croc has, perhaps unsurprisingly, broken out of the plywood box that was meant to contain it and escaped back into the water.

Ah, stupid Mzungu. I hang my head in shame!


ps. I'm not sure that all those people telling me it was 'absolutely fine' to swim in the river in Uganda all knew what they were talking about...
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